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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. It appears to be Regular price Jesse...
  2. 'Children's Choir' 41% off today @ Rast Sound, https://rastsound.com/downloads/childrens-choir/
  3. Get a FREE perpetual License to Antares Choir for trying a 14 day FREE trial of Auto Tune Unlimited - pay monthly requires a 2 month Minimum commitment after the 14 day trial period https://www.antarestech.com/demo-downloads/
  4. My issue is Simple, Simon (ha ha)! My license for Cubase 11, which I purchased on 11/24, does NOT say "Upgrade Eligible" even though it SHOULD! Consequently, nothing else will work until they fix THAT, and they seem to have NO INTEREST in fixing it!
  5. Vocal Cleaner for $16 https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/wa-production-software-vocal-cleaner-vocal-processing-plugin/
  6. I was quite patient with support. I chatted with them on launch day, and they said that they couldn't resolve my problem and that I'd have to wait. I had already sent in a support ticket, which I STILL have not heard ONE WORD back on, today being the NINTH DAY! I chatted with them again yesterday, and was not so "professional" after the person to whom I was speaking wasn't listening, but rather trying to make ME out to be the problem! That was the straw that broke the Camel's back, so to speak! They KNOW, without a doubt that THEY are the problem, but they're playing games, rather than addressing the issue! Even if they just said "We're going to do these ONE at a time", that would be better than trying to make it seem like "The Customer" caused this issue! If they were REALLY handling the Support Tickets in the order received, they most certainly should have responded to my ticket already, but they haven't! Steinberg has lost my respect, and my business. Their Customer Service has always been "questionable" at best, but NOW it's just sheer stupidity on THEIR part, and I want no part of it! I think Yamaha buying them has only made them worse, not better! For over 20 years I've been a Steinberg customer...buying in at Cubase 3, but they just REALLY don't give a crap!
  7. $499 https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/abbey-road-two-iconic-strings-professional/
  8. Timeless. Classic. P-Bass 25 Programs / 10 Parts 3K Real-Time Samples™ / 1.43GB https://soundpaint.com/products/fender-p-bass
  9. We've set loose our new audio FX devices— Chorus+, Flanger+, Phaser+ — as well as Note Grid. With Bitwig Studio 4.2, you have access to new, high-quality effects and the ability to design your own custom Note FX. https://www.bitwig.com/whats-new/
  10. Today we release a new version for both DeRoom and DeRoom Pro. As we recently did with VoiceGate, the underlying algorithms have been completely re-worked. They now achieve a far more accurate de-reverberation especially for larger rooms with long reverb tails. The improvements could be achieved by optimising the layout of the neural network and feeding in even more example recordings. The upgrade is free for all DeRoom/DeRoomPro license owners. As always, there is a 7 days free trial available! Furthermore, all trial counters have been reset to zero - so even if you have already used your trial days it will now work again. DeRoom 2 is 49 Euros https://www.accentize.com/deroom/ DeRoom 2 Pro is 199 Euros https://www.accentize.com/deroom-pro/
  11. $29.95 https://audioplugin.deals/high-score-ultimate-bundle-by-renegade-soundplay/
  12. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials.html?&sou=bfatopbar
  13. Asteroid, Drone, Walker, Whoosh, and Meteor at $74 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/uvi?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-12e8ce0122-310131497&mc_cid=12e8ce0122
  14. Check 'em out here and get Deluxe Bucks to boot! https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/sonnox
  15. MAAT releases FIDef JENtwo plugin with an intro price of $99 instead of $129. Intro price is a limited time, no end date is given. https://www.maat.digital/fidef/ What FiDef Is Not… analog emulation, simulation, or modeling chorusing data or frequency repacking distortion generation or manipulation dithering dynamics processing echo encoding/decoding equalization flanging frequency or amplitude modulation masking noise cancellation or control resampling resynthesis time domain modification vocoding wave field synthesis Your audience will feel their music like never before, but that’s not all… Mixing: improve the definition of individual mix elements Mastering: bring out the best of each project Broadcast: production & post Games: enhance envelopment Forensics: improve intelligibility Sound design: “spotlight” individual elements Restoration: broaden spatiality
  16. $15.94 at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/caffeine.html
  17. $19 at VST Alarm https://vstalarm.com/product/roundel-sounds-exclusive-bundle/
  18. Run Waves Central to Update
  19. Analog Obsession has released TILTA, a free tilt equalizer plugin for Windows and macOS. https://www.patreon.com/posts/tilta-63538579
  20. $31.85 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/slavic_vocals.html
  21. Run Aquarius and select "updates" to update
  22. Contemporary Soul, Hip Hop R&B, Meloncholic Pop, and West Coast Run Run the Toontrack Program Manager to update
  23. $89 at Plugin Boutique - https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/8753
  24. $100.69 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/lounge_lizard_ep4__packs.html
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