And what REALLY STINKS is, even though you are paying a PREMIUM for the transfer, IK
still has a BRICK WALL that you hit with regards to transfers, at which point you MUST contact
IK Support to "reset" and that reset is for like 'one more" transfer, and so you end up doing this
CIRCLE JERK every time you sell something! I've told them directly WE ARE PAYING for the
They don't care....
Yep...honestly, you'd be LUCKY to get the $19.95! THAT is how bad the resale on IK is! And in all honesty,
it's because of these Group Buys and the Transfer Fee, that the Resale on IK is dirt
After the Memorial Day sale, it will be $49 until June 12th.
265 Incredible Patches for Unify - I added note off effects which make these the most realistic version of MegaMagic Guitars ever released!
Modern Scoring Strings (MSS) is our newest recorded flagship string library on SALE during this Memorial week.
Also up to 51% off the entire site
Buy One, get TWO!
No coupon code required. Automatic deduction at checkout.
Expires Midnight MST May 31, 2022
I still have 5 unused from a Promotion many years ago still sitting in my account. I couldn't select
anything, and IK wouldn't let me trade them in, so they just sit there in my promotions area gathering
cyber dust
My reasoning is that if, somewhere along the line, I have to sell TS Max, I still have all the products, even without TS MAX.
I got the 11 new ones right off the bat, then doubled all the others, because that's all it would let me do...LOL
Me too Ed! Well, actually I don't like Steak Sauce, because I want to taste JUST the meat,
but, if I were using Steak Sauce it would most definitely be A-1
Cradle releases THE GOD PARTICLE with an introductory offer of $79 instead of $119 — Which ends June 19th, 2022
15-time Grammy-winning engineer Jaycen Joshua's Mixbus processing chain is turned into a plugin and to be honest it's damn good. Give it a try.
16 TB Toshiba Enterprise for $269.99 with code MDSBS24264 and also has a 5 year warranty
Lite $29 intro price
Full is $49 intro price
Lifeline Console Lite to Full Upgrade is $20
Bundle of Lifeline Console and Expanse is $99