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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Brainworx bx_oberhausen The World's 1st TMT Synth! Our bx_oberhausen synthesizer is a virtual instrument like no other. Stacked with patented TMT & M/S features, and offering a powerful set of effect modules. $249 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 90% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-BXOB Code expires June 3, 11:59pm PST AMEK EQ200 Inspired by the fidelity of iconic EQs from GML and Sontec. Enhanced for 2020 and beyond with TMT! $399 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 94% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-EQ200 Code expires June 3, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  2. 60% off almost every plugin and 20% off all bundles The sale is valid from June 2nd and will last only until June 7th at 21:00 (Italy time). Have a look at the countdown on our site and do not miss the chance to have our latest plugins for less than half their price, including SAMP and Butterfly. Just go to https://www.hornetplugins.com
  3. Also this: HALF-PRICE INSTRUMENT UPGRADES Been eyeing up KONTAKT 6, GUITAR RIG 6 PRO, or MASSIVE X? Upgrade from an earlier version of any of our instruments and effects, and get 50% off. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/catalog/summer-of-sound-2022/instruments-effects-upd-upg/
  4. "Turn the echoes of the past into the music of now with Wires, a magical lo-fi tool and ghostly echo machine from AudioThing. Buy now in our sale for only €39 / $39." https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/53-Multi-Effect-/7052-Wires
  5. Deskew has upgraded their plugin host Gig Performer, to version 4.5, and it has a host of new features and improvements. New Features: Recording: Gig Performer can now record audio **outputs*to files. The recording system now supports recording stereo to a single file for both input and output. Widgets attached to CC controllers, using the new **Follow Hardware*property can now automatically update to the controller value when you switch rackspaces. Widgets can now be hidden when not in edit mode. Widgets now support various relative CC modes. Widgets now support MIDI Thru. Implemented ability for users to change the font size of racskpace, variation, song and song part names in the left hand lists. Some widget operations are now accessible in non-edit mode by holding the shift down and clicking on a widget. They include some scaling options, the ability to open the associated plugin editor, and quick access to the widget inspector. Blocks can now be inserted into an Audio/MIDI path automatically by holding down the SHIFT key while dragging the block over the connection wires. Shift-dragging an already inserted block will remove it. Audio Options: you can now export JUST the audio settings and import them back in again – this makes it easier to support multiple audio configurations. The Global MIDI Monitor can now optionally display outgoing messages. You can now centrally define named OSC targets and use those names wherever OSC is available including GPScript. Added ability to copy selected entries in the plugin manager to the clipboard in CSV format. GP Script improvements. Improvements: Added a button in the ChordPro window to enable or disable automatic image sizing. Holding the shift key down while opening the block popup menu adds new functions like "Duplicate with inputs" (The purpose of this needs explaining – it's mainly useful for FOH). Holding the SHIFT down while dragging a connection from a mono plugin will create a double connection to a stero one. Recording: Added a button that opens the recordings folder for quick access. You are now warned if you try to clear the plugin list – the goal being to prevent accidental removal of all plugins from the manager. Added a modification to work around buggy IK Multimedia plugins that process MIDI data but do not announce that they can process MIDI data to the host. Implemented methods to prevent or reduce the chance of accidental widget movement when using a mouse wheel to scroll the panels. GP now saves and restores the global transpose amount for each gig file. ChordPro: added textcolor and textweight directives. Added ability for text in a label widget to be positioned in 9 positions rather than just being centred as well as ability to change the font color. Users can now drag and drop a widget between panels (works for single widgets only). PC Assignments in "All Songs" setlist will now automatically be copied when a song gets added to a new setlist. Song Part PC assignments can now be globally changed/applied. Added new menu option to copy PC assignments from "All Songs" to all other setlists. New Gig and New Gig from template are now in a submenu. OSC Subsystem now warns you if it can't listen to the specified port. Audio Options: holding SHIFT key down while clicking on an input or output channel checkbox will set all of them to the inverse of the one you selected. The upgrade is free of charge for owners of Gig Performer 4. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/gig-performer-4-5-by-deskew-technologies
  6. Save up to 77% https://www.dear-reality.com/
  7. $104.58 at Loot Audio https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/insanity-samples/neo-strings-solo-strings-ensemble
  8. $76.05 at Loot Audio https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/sound-yeti/method-1-kontakt
  9. $59.40 at Loot Audio (so much for PB's "exclusive") https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/ben-osterhouse/secco-strings-kontakt
  10. I already have everything else in that bundle. It should be like $125 at JRR with code for the upgrade, which is STILL way too much
  11. My upgrade price from 4.1 is $199. Just the upgrade to Neutron 4 is $149
  12. INCLUDED PRODUCTS: Neutron 4 RX 9 Standard Ozone 9 Advanced Nectar 3 Plus Neoverb Tonal Balance Control 2 VocalSynth 2 Insight 2 bx_delay 2500 bx_cleansweep Pro bx_boom! bx_refinement bx_subsynth bx_saturator V2 Symphony 3D by Exponential Audio Stratus 3D by Exponential Audio $599 https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/music-production-suite-5.html
  13. $249.99 with code 6FSBTA45 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/seagate-expansion-16tb-black/p/N82E16822184959
  14. Or get it at Thomann for $44 https://www.thomannmusic.com/izotope_soundwide_intro_bundle.htm?listPosition=0&ref=sea_rslt_SOundwide_543406_0_0&type=quickSearch
  15. https://soundiron.com/
  16. $18.95 https://zero-g.co.uk/products/psycho-acoustics
  17. $46.12 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/ueberschall.html
  18. SAVE OVER 60% Berlin Strings, Berlin Symphonic Strings, Berlin Con Sordino Strings, Special Bows 1 and 2, the FIrst Chairs, and Strings SFX: 7 collections working perfectly together, giving you a detailed and truly rounded orchestral strings palette. Available now for €999—all 7 collections purchased individually would cost almost €2,800. Don’t miss this opportunity to save... https://www.orchestraltools.com/store/bundles/berlin-strings-bundle
  19. The Plugin Alliance MEGA Sampler is a powerful sample player with an integrated online sample library service for your DAW. It is built to play loops in creative ways, in key, and in time, with all the innovation and pro-audio quality you expect from Plugin Alliance. Soon, you can have thousands of the freshest and most exciting samples & loops ready to go in seconds. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/blog/blogpost/items/mega-sampler.html
  20. https://www.bestservice.com/deals/bela_d_media_sale_35_off_4139.html
  21. At Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deals/synthogy_italian-american_promotion_4125.html
  22. 25 Ethnic Flute Loops | 100% Free! These 25 FREE LOOPS are perfect if you're looking to add a little flavor to tracks. No catch. No bologna. Just click the link and download the damn loops! As always, it's 100% royalty free as well! Direct Download https://click.mlsend2.com/link/c/YT0xOTYzMTc2MTg5MjI5MDEyMTc3JmM9bTdwNyZlPTIxNDYmYj05NzY4NDYzNTEmZD1lN2oxejl2.5qfLvUsYSVyR0bM35T6u3Dwa_KfJvS0OCN8oaxczd-k
  23. That was RELALY soon! $39 for Standard and there is a FREE Edition (use the dropdown) https://keep-forest.com/store/libraries/225424
  24. Followed by Karanyi "The Chronicles of Riddick"
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