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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Audified Summer Sale - up to 90% off on plugins and bundles. End date not specified. https://shop.audified.com/products
  2. Waiting for these to show up at the discounters...
  3. You have to have Augmented Strings Intro to qualify for the upgrade
  4. Yep...$6 without VC. Looked in my storage folder to see if owned Cataract. I was sure that I did, but it wasn't there. I was confused, so I looked through my Plugin Boutique Plugins and there it was, big as day, I just had never downloaded or installed it....DERH! And a freebie to boot!
  5. No...it's going on right now....make sure you are logged in
  6. - 41% off on Tera 3 and Cube 2 synthesizer plugins for Mac and Windows - €99 (reg. €169) each. End date not specified. The discount is applied automatically in the cart, but if the price remains unaltered, use the code: SALE Other products will be added to the sale as soon as their transition from the Steinberg eLicenser to a new serial based system have been completed. https://www.virsyn.net/index.html#portfolio
  7. More freebies on the site. https://mastrcode-music.de/en/vst-plugins/substrate/
  8. Novation has discontinued V-Station and B-Station synth plugins for Windows and Mac which are now free to download. https://downloads.novationmusic.com/novation/novation-software
  9. LIMITED TIME OFFER Pi&Phi MkIII - 74% OFF Musiqual Blue MkII - 61% OFF *Offer ends July 17, 11:59 PM EST https://mialaboratories.com/product/piandphi/
  10. They're advertising it on Fakebook for $29 (you must own Augemented Strings Intro to get the price) https://www.arturia.com/augmented-strings-intro-upgrade
  11. 92% Off Plugin Suite Including 10 Complete Instruments $24.95 https://newnationllc.com/campaign/plugin-bundle-suite-summer-2022-rev5af
  12. 42% Off — Exclusively at Sweetwater! Purchase this item at Sweetwater, and get $300.00 off! The price shown reflects your savings. Effective now through 7/31/2022. $399 https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/MPS5CgAny--izotope-music-production-suite-5-plug-in-bundle-crossgrade-from-any-paid-izotope-product
  14. HoRNet secret sale: MultiFreqs 70% off! use code: MFSS700722 https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-multifreqs/
  15. 74 Euros https://unitedplugins.com/MorphVerb/
  16. $37 https://audioplugin.deals/vocal-bundle-by-function-loops
  17. Flandersh Tech has released Stepocea, a polyphonic stereo synthesizer tuned for spatial, massive leads and pads that evolves in counterpoint. It includes two oscillator sections with detuned oscillators, reverb and saturated drive, dual multi-type filters/effects, and a poly arp section. Features: Four fat sounding oscillators with pan. Individual convolution reverb per oscillator. Dual amp envelope and mod envelope. Filters with envelope and LFO. Individual arpeggiators for each oscillator. Oscilloscope and spectrum meter. Price: Free. Includes a reference manual and impulse responses, and requires a host that supports VST3 (64-bit) and runs on Microsoft Windows 8.1 or later. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/stepocea-by-flandersh-tech
  18. ­Goblyn - Nasty guitar plugin New in our freebie products from Aurora DSP, based on the studio standard metal head 5153, reinforced with one of the best overdrives on the market and modeled with real analog toys. We present to you Goblyn. A creature that creeps into any heavy mix and leaves something evil and brutal. You can set it the way you want it: heavy or heavier. Nothing more. Simple Metal Madness. Available as VST3 | AU | AAX | Standalone Full M1 support https://auroradsp.com/goblyn
  19. Black Box HG-2MS Mastering grade tube saturation & harmonics, now with M/S processing and advanced filters for even more creative saturation. $329 $30.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 91% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-HG2MS Code expires July 12, 23:59 PM PST DS Audio TANTRA 2 Turn any sound into a complex rhythmic progression with this intuitive multi-effects plugin that has 8 powerful effect stages including filter, distortion, delay, lo-fi, glitch and more. $199 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 87% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-TANTRA2 Code expires July 12, 23:59 PM PST Brainworx bx_subsynth The Holy Grail of Bottom End! Generate sub, punch and saturation; improved upon a dbx 120XP subharmonic synthesizer. $149 $17.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 88% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-SUBS Code expires July 12, 23:59 PM PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  20. Bratwurst Fuzz by Doom Plugs is a Free Fuzz / Distortion Pedal Plugin for Windows and Mac. Expiry: None. http://doomplugs.net
  21. Dynamic Plate Reverb uses a physical model of a thin metal plate to recreate the classic sound of plate reverberation. Our innovative algorithm gives creative control of the plate setup, allowing you to tailor the resonance to your material. Five different plate materials, a pre-amp drive, and a powerful 8-band mode equalizer give a huge range of tonal variation that can be applied to vocals, drums or instruments. Dynamic Plate Reverb does not use impulse responses or delay networks. Instead we start from a mathematical description, the Kirchhoff plate equation. This gives the displacement in terms of size, thickness, and tension, as well as the properties of the chosen material. Using this description we calculate the modes of vibration for the system, applying our unique optimisation engine. The physical model allows real-time control of the dimensions of the plate, from 3m x 2m down to 1.5m x 1m. This, along with five different plate materials, allows you to tailor the resonance to your input material. The 8-band equaliser adjusts the weights of the modes across the frequency range for total control over the reverberant sound. The modelled pre-amp drive section can be used to add warm or overdrive to the signal that is fed into the plate. Features: - Continuously variable plate size and choice of 5 materials with unique decay characters. - 8-band mode equalizer section. - Modelled pre-amp drive unit. - Reverb pre-delay. $45 at the KVR Marketplace https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/dynamic-plate-reverb-by-physical-audio
  22. For 2 days only https://zero-g.co.uk/products/alien-skies-limited-quantity-grab-now-deal
  23. $59.99 on Musician's Friend SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/sterling-audio-mx3-3-active-studio-monitor-pair-black/l19694000000000
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