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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $237.99 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KTRKB6S/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1
  2. On this day last year, we introduced our first product to the world, the free T-De-Esser plug-in. It is used by several people in the industry today. So, we can call July 12th the birthday and anniversary of Techivation. We have started and will continue developing new and better tools to help artists improve the sound of their music. We are celebrating this special event with a big sale. All the Techivation plug-ins will be 30% off for the next 24 hours! We want to thank you all for trusting and believing in Techivation. Together, let's create a better future and music! https://techivation.com/products/
  3. Yes! We've extended our Summer Sale again until July 18th. Don't miss discounts of up to 83% on selected plug-ins!!! Shop here: https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/marketplace *The Summer Sale ends (this time for real) on July 18th, 2022, at 11:59 PM (CET).
  4. Best Buy has a bunch of NVMe's on sale...
  5. $199.95 https://www.vir2.com/instruments/aura-atmospheric-drone-builder/
  6. +Choose up to 3 FREE plugins Spend $50 get 1 free plugin Spend $90 get 2 free plugins Spend $120 get 3 free plugins https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer[]=6
  7. $94.99 for Prime Day https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07VNTFHD5/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1
  8. Ah...it's only "Bundles and Upgrades" that are on sale...
  9. Only reseller that has the sale is apparently Thomann
  10. $16.25 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/love_lost_strum_gs2_sound_pack.html
  11. Massive Acqua update! The following products have been updated with the new efficient and optimized Core 18 engine: El Rey (rel X018) Ivory 5 (rel A021) Diamond Transient (rel A033) Diamond Color EQ (rel M027) Ultramarine 4 (rel S010) Lime 2 (rel L015) Green 4 Zen + frequency pack (rel A027) Gainstation 2 (A017) This update is free for current owners and is available in the Aquarius Updates section. Run Aquarius to update
  12. Get your hands on 6 killer VST plugins for Only $20 ?(down from $400), which works out at $3.33 apiece. To get your hands on those plugins individually would cost the earth, so strike now while they’re criminally cheap. This bundle contains all the tools you need to start turning out classics! BRASS BELLS TAPE FX CLONE HATZ TP2 Use Code TNT620 at Checkout and get your bundle now Private & Limited Time offer ( 48 hours Only ) Act fast before SanjayC Takes the shots https://www.thenatan.store/p/thenatan-sanjayc-bundle2/
  13. $49.99 - coupons for extra $5 off sent out https://audioplugin.deals/looperator-by-sugar-bytes/
  14. Use the code MAGNET50 to get 50% OFF this plugin. $10 with code VST, VST3 and AU formats available. No ProTools support as of now. https://wavegrove.gumroad.com/l/MajiEffect
  15. Run the Vienna Assistant to update!
  16. $50 https://8dio.com/products/extreme-electric-bass-ensemble
  17. $39 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/deep_analog_eq.html
  18. T-Racks, MODO Drums, Amplitube, SampleTank SE and Miroslav CE versions $49.99 Each https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia?dir=desc&order=special_from_date Syntronik SE for $39.99 https://www.jrrshop.com/ik-multimedia-syntronik-2-se no extra discount
  19. UP TO 30% OFF ON ALL PRODUCTS! Save up to 30% on our entire product line from April 18th to the 24th! No code necessary! https://www.veryloudindeed.com/collections
  20. TOMO Audiolabs LISA Modeled after the $15k hardware dynamic EQ! Six bands of smooth opto compression per channel! Fully approved by TOMO Audiolabs. $399 $30.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 92% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-LISA Code expires July 13, 23:59 PM PST Knif Audio Knifonium Synth plugin of the legendary and exceptionally beautiful sounding, 26-tube driven analog synthesizer. $299 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 92% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-KNIF Code expires July 13, 23:59 PM PST Purple Audio MC77 Purple Audio’s impeccable recreation of the classic 1176 FET compressor provides an authentic squeeze with modern updates. $249 $17.99 Local VAT taxes may be added Save 93% with your checkout code: SUMMER22-MC77 Code expires July 13, 23:59 PM PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  21. Following the popular addition of dynamics to Illusion, Cinematic Rooms Professional and Seventh Heaven Professional, we are pleased to announce that a compression, ducking and gate module has been added to Lustrous Plates and Lustrous Plates Surround in the free v1.2 update. Gate effects are a staple of creative audio production, with especially interesting results on drums. Ducking is often used to avoid a reverb swamping the dry signal, allowing the verb to be tucked away until there is space in the mix between phrases improving intelligibility. Read on to learn more and watch Julian David's introductory video. https://www.liquidsonics.com/2022/07/12/dynamics-added-to-lustrous-plates-v1-2/
  22. Fixed plugin run-in only on Rosetta on M1 Fixed VST3 crashing in some DAWs when external side chain was selected The update is free for owners of the plugin and can be downloaded from the user area on https://www.hornetplugins.com/ or using HoRNet DoIn, our downloader installer
  23. https://www.jrrshop.com/computer-software?dir=asc&limit=54&manufacturer=343&order=name&sale=1&type=2 Extra discount with code GROUP at JRR iZotope Dialogue Match $99 iZotope Nectar 3 Plus $49 iZotope RX 9 Standard $299 iZotope VocalSynth 2 $49 Steps for receiving free PA plugins: 1. Buy VocalSynth 2, Nectar 3 Plus, RX 9 Standard, Dialogue Match, or crossgrades/upgrades included in the sale. 2. You will get a voucher via email to pick two FREE Plugin Alliance Brainworx plug-ins from the list below. 3. Select your two plug-ins, click ‘checkout,’ then apply your iZotope voucher code. Your price will switch to $0 - enjoy your 2 FREE plug-ins! *Pick two from the following: BX_boom BX_console N BX_cleansweep Pro BX_control V2 BX_crispytuner BX_delay BX_digital V3 BX_dynEQ V2 BX_hybrid V2 BX_limiter BX_masterdesk BX_meter BX_opto BX_panEQ BX_refinement BX_saturator V2 BX_shredspread BX_stereomaker BX_subsynth Mäag EQ2 Noveltech Vocal Enhancer Purple Audio MC77 SPL De-Verb Unfiltered Audio Instant Delay
  24. They are advertising it on Fakebook with no other conditions other than owning AS Intro, so I would assume that, despite what the "wording" says, which is designed to entice folks into thinking it's a "special offer just for them", that it's available to anyone who has AS Into, as it's an upgrade option in you account.
  25. Decent prices at Thomann https://www.thomannmusic.com/search_dir.html?sw=fabfilter&smcs=58d17e_2088
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