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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Run Softube Central to update
  2. $56.99 at Best Buy DOD https://www.bestbuy.com/site/misc/deal-of-the-day/pcmcat248000050016.c?id=pcmcat248000050016
  3. https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=65
  4. Extra discount with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/sampleson?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  5. https://www.jrrshop.com/waves?dir=desc&order=news_from_date
  6. $25 https://audioplugin.deals/product/ambience-bundle-by-rigid-audio/
  7. Many plugins for 10 Euros https://2bplayed.com/product-category/products/plug-ins/
  8. 99 Euros https://rastsound.com/downloads/world-vocals-bundle/
  9. Important update on our product transfer policies, terms, and conditions: As a matter of company policy, purchased products can only be transferred after six months from the date of purchase. This change is effective as of this moment and is available in our transfer policies terms and conditions section: https://acusticaudio.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/35000055832-acustica-audio-products-transfer-policies-terms-and-conditions
  10. I use Liberoffice...because I'm cheap...but it falls flat in a LOT of areas...
  11. https://8dio.com/products/century-ensemble-brass?variant=41309994811592
  12. $29.99 at Mashable https://shop.mashable.com/sales/microsoft-office-professional-plus-2021-for-window
  13. Cola 2 for 49 Euros https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/cola Emerald for 59 Euros https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/emerald-bundle
  14. If you are involved professionally in Sound, Audio, A‑V or Live Sound, or work in a related business manufacturing, distributing or supplying services to any MI/Pro‑Audio sector of our industry, you can apply for a free DIGITAL subscription to Sound On Sound! DIGITAL subscribers benefit from: Tablet/Phone App - iOS/Android. Web - access locked premium website articles. Full Issue PDF - download for desktop, smartphone or tablet. Digital Magazine - a page-turning replica magazine to read on any browser. If you work in the industry and don't already take advantage of our Sound On Sound Controlled Circulation offer, head over to the website and sign up today! SIGN ME UP https://www.soundonsound.com/information/controlled-circulation-application
  15. Hello there, This is Saverio from HoRNet Plugins, and I'm excited to share some great news with you! We've recently released an update for our VHS plugin, which is our headphone correction system and room simulation. The version 1.0.1 is now available, and it includes an important fixe: Fixed error in some Windows setup that prevented plugin from loading interface We value our customers greatly, and we're pleased to offer this update completely free of charge for all plugin owners. You can download the update directly from the user area on our website or by using our downloader installer, HoRNet DoIn. https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-vhs/
  16. $59 - check your emails for another $10 off coupon, making it $49 https://audioplugin.deals/product/elka-panther-by-martinic/
  17. 2/3 - ROUND TWO! YOUR 2nd CODE: ANY-2999-2 Voucher can only be used 1x - it expires February 28 * These products are NOT included: Kirchhoff-EQ, SA2RATE 2, THE OVEN, AMEK Mastering Compressor, dearVR PRO, Gig Performer https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  18. $399 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/cinematic/choir-omnia/ BREATHTAKING SYMPHONIC VOICES Powerful 40-piece choir of four independent sections: soprano, alto, tenor and bass Quickly build realistic choir parts with intuitive controls, or go deeper with Syllabuilder phrases and transformations Captured in stunning detail and created in collaboration with world-leading choir curator Strezov Sampling Over 70 GB of content, across four instruments, with 189 presets for streamlined scoring
  19. Great news! The latest version of Locness (V2.7) is now available What is Fixed? - Preset saving issue on mac - Resolved ✓ - Bypass button defaulting - Fixed ✓ https://tone-empire.com/shop/locness-v2/
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