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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. That was what I originally had posted...then this morning it said $38.95 and I changed it. Now it says $58.95 again...I wish they'd make up their mind?
  2. Buy the second one, off the 2nd license of T-Bone for $10, you get Proximity FREE
  3. $58.95 at Time Space https://www.timespace.com/products/zero-g-epica-virtual-sound-module?utm_campaign=Sunday 9th June 2019 - Zero-G EPICA - 30 Day Engaged - Kontakt Files Customers (KSEVBJ)&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Kontakt Files Customers - 30 Day Engaged&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJjY2xhcnJ5MTIyNzAwQGhvdG1haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiTHRUSGRUIn0%3D
  4. $19.99 at Musician's Friend https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/sugar-bytes-unique-software-synthesizer
  5. TODAY it shows $149 when not logged in, and $49 when logged in... must have something to do with the UA plugins I own...IDK
  6. Unfiltered Audio TRIAD Brand New. Multiband Version of BYOME. Existing BYOME owners pay only $49! $299 $149 TRIAD price is valid until June 24! Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save 50% GET DEAL Unfiltered Audio BYOME Build Your Own Modular Effect. 40+ effect modules for amazing patches! $249 $99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save 60% GET DEAL DS Audio THORN V1.2 The software synthesizer for punchy, snappy and aggressive modern sounds $199 $99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save 50% GET DEAL
  7. Shows $49 for me, whether or not I'm logged in or not...weird...
  8. I own just about all of them...but it's listed at $49 on their website...and when you add it to your cart, it's $49 with it's own voucher added to the cart...
  9. I don't own Biome...and it's still $49 in cart...
  10. $69 at Full Compass https://www.fullcompass.com/prod/554463-acon-digital-acon-restoration-suite-denoiser-dehum-declick-declip-download?utm_source=facebook_marketing&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=FCS2019_06_07_Dowload-Deal-of-the-week-Acon-Digital&utm_content=Download-Deal-of-the-week&fbclid=IwAR3B9opVEpKkIa8qtGutUS9fOeniN2zwvrJyfhkh7hQHnbY43TDPfvFx3ug
  11. Just went to the website and it says the price is $49...not $149....
  12. If you have trouble viewing this newsletter, click here for an online version. All MeldaProduction plugins have been updated to 13.02. It is an important update which comes up with several improvements, new features and fixes. The update is free as always and you can install it simply by downloading and using the newest installer from our download page. List of changes for effects List of changes for MSoundFactory List of changes for MPowerSynth List of changes for MDrummer
  13. $21 at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/
  14. FREE until 7/31 https://riotaudio.com/product/bowed-glass-clouds/
  15. BYOME TIMES THREE. THE WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED MULTI-BAND PROCESSOR After the smashing success of BYOME, Unfiltered Audio is at it again with their latest creation, TRIAD. With the ability to split up the signal into three bands and apply 40+ BYOME effects to each band individually, this three-headed beast will put the rest of your FX plugins to shame. $149 Intro Price http://plugin-alliance.acemlnb.com/lt.php?s=a5d02ef1a880555a40a57152d8788569&i=250A281A6A2469
  16. The offer is to "Presonus Customers". As a matter of personal ethics, I did not post the URL. Technically it's NOT free to EVERYONE, despite having a URL that could be used by everyone....
  17. Several Guitars also updated to 3.01
  18. Its here! Have fun with this FREE Upgrade : Amps , Riffer 2 , Stereo DI signal. Electric Basses with 25% OFF until July 10th from http://www.amplesound.net
  19. Drum machines, basses, synths, keys and more - Electronic Impressions is a grab bag of over 3 GB, handpicked by Puremagnetik to give you a quick leap into electronic music production. Whether you are producing techno, dubstep, house or synthwave, Electronic Impressions has been tailored to provide a full palette of production-ready sounds to get you going. This weekend, get Electronic Impressions for only $10 LEARN MORE
  20. They fixed it...it did say $119.99 on the website too...but now says $179.99
  21. Get all 4 of Harrison's new AVA cross-platform plugins for just $89. This is $356 value! AVA LegacyQ AVA Mulitband Compressor AVA De-Esser AVA Mastering EQ Learn more about the plugins here Buy Now
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