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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. There is also a FREE version of Risenge https://keep-forest.com/store/libraries/225221
  2. FREE until Dec 1st! https://keep-forest.com/store/sound-effects/225231?fbclid=IwAR1al4skyvZftfQo0VPe5jS9LtlHFJA-Ta_yqLph3IljChuISGkQh4-KfR4
  3. With Melodyne, this is as low as it ever gets...
  4. Get up to 80% off synth presets and samples at https://newloops.com EXTRA 10% OFF USE CODE - 10BUY8LWQ
  5. AdmiralQuality have a 50% off sale for Black friday http://www.admiralquality.com/half-price-admiral-quality-black-friday-sale/
  6. Includes Elements Suite, Mobius Filter, Trash and DDLY $41.16 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope-black-friday-bundle
  7. It's our biggest ever sale! Get a huge 60% off all full price products for a limited time! Stock up on our best-selling loops, samples and preset packs now. Also get our top-selling Kontakt instrument Redlight for a massive 65% off! Check out our recent releases below. Shop Now
  8. You will get an offer to buy ALL of their plugins for $49.99 on the way to checkout!
  9. TRANSIENT+ Tighten up a tubby kick drum, remove unwanted room tone, emphasize the decay of your toms, transform guitar DI’s and so much more! It's FREE For A Week! Offer Valid until November 30th 8pm CST I Want Transient+!
  10. $49 At Audio Deluxe and get $4.90 in DeluxeBucks back https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/steven-slate-drums-trigger-platinum-20
  11. From any Izotope product - $32.76 with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/exponential-audio-phoenixverb-crossgrade
  12. At EveryPlugin http://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result/?manufacturer[]=70
  13. $78.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/mushkin-enhanced-raw-series-960gb/p/N82E16820226905?Item=N82E16820226905&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL112219&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL112219-_-EMC-112219-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20226905-S1A4B
  14. Next Weekend is BF...so that weekend will probably at least see the previous weekend deals offered...maybe more
  15. And you get the NF Blue Tubes Chorus FREE
  16. Check 'em out here at Don't Crack https://store.dontcrack.com/?manufacturers_id=91
  17. bx_console SSL 4000 G Officially endorsed by SSL. Classic 72 Channel G Series Desk in your DAW! $349 $49.99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save up to 86% Millennia NSEQ-2 Mastering-Grade EQ with 300 V Vacuum Tube & Discrete J-FET Signal Paths $249 $39.99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save up to 84% Millennia TCL-2 FET & Tube Opto-Compression with Stellar Sonics $199 $39.99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save up to 80% Brainworx bx_opto Tone-laden Optical Comp, Subtle to Slammin’! $199 $29.99 Plus local VAT taxes in Europe* Save up to 85%
  18. At KVR Marketplace - and most likely others as well https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/presonus
  19. Same here...it came up as SampleTank 3...not 4, but I redirected it to 4
  20. The only thing that I'm interested in is the Kontakt 6 update for $49... But I have a $55 budget, and I'm torn between that and getting the upgrade to Bias Studio Platinum (even though it's $8.00 more) and also afraid that something even more enticing will pop up after I have spent the last of my BF money...?
  21. Intro Price $48 https://8dio.com/instrument/custom-instrument-series-circle-strings/?utm_source=8DIO+Newsletter&utm_campaign=d38d1fbae6-Salsa+volume+one_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bfb160c302-d38d1fbae6-298264053&mc_cid=d38d1fbae6&mc_eid=48c5d3390b
  22. Harrison Mixbus plus 5 additional free plugins for $39 https://harrisonconsoles.com/site/mixbus-v5_flash39-xt-sp.html?fbclid=IwAR1D_oRk-P2FbOxgQEJNqzrja0GtLU6JxFUCCVjP9VdbF18nERS3nn2HPx8
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