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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Sample LE is from the Novation site...so you have to own a Novation product
  2. $115...less with the March Voucher ($80.50) https://www.softube.com/subscribers-club#/ CODE: THEIMPERIALMARCH
  3. This months Plugin Collective offering is Bassroom & Ignite from Mastering the Mix Log into your account to redeem the offer! https://focusrite.com/
  4. This makes 5 preset packs https://www.waves.com/using-ovox-on-instruments-demos-free-presets?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=top-gui&utm_campaign=ovox-instruments-non-owners
  5. Go to your user area to download https://www.ikmultimedia.com/
  6. Here https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/index.php?id=st4cs
  7. Get it here https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/st4cs/
  8. 20% off plugins: 2290, DVR250, 1210 and 8210 native https://store.tcelectronic.com/products/native-plug-ins/?utm_source=TC+Electronic&utm_campaign=62c1dbbd01-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_02_18_09_34_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_36edc82930-62c1dbbd01-74869627
  9. Intro Sale at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=Acon+Digital+Acoustica+7.2&order=relevance&dir=desc Extra discount with code FORUM
  10. Until 31st March, 2020, Fujiya Instruments Organic Bass Suite for Kontakt is $100 off. Sale Price: $149.00. https://fujiya-instruments.com/en/products/organicbasssuite.html Demos:
  11. https://www.magix.com/us/music/sound-forge/sound-forge-pro/
  12. 35MB SUITCASE ELECTRIC PIANO THAT SOUNDS LIKE 8GB Intro price $39US ($59 regular) https://sampleson.com/suit73-electric-piano.html "We've extracted the Rhodes Suitcase 73's DNA and packed it into a 35MB virtual instrument. Suit73 is the most detailed Rhodes emulation we've created so far. Presenting the second generation of our spectral modeling engine (DNAudio 2.0) allowing us to create realistic and warm emulations."
  13. Save a chunk on Music Gear, spend a little more at your local watering hole! This weekend we've cut our prices down by 50%. Deals active March 13th - March 17th 2020 --------------------- (TRVE Cab + Guitar IR pack release March 19th 2020) https://ugritone.com/
  14. JUST $29.99 TODAY!* FIE-STA-2999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends March 12, 11:59 PM California Time
  15. $149 https://impactsoundworks.com/product/shreddage-3-hydra/?mc_cid=9394fe82e5&mc_eid=4809f368e8
  16. RC20 isn't half off...which is a shame
  17. Larry Shelby

    XLN midipaks

    Only the ADPak's...not MIDI...MIDI Paks are only available at XLN
  18. There are 4 perpetual codes at JRR newsletter 10 - for 10% Off FORUM - for 11% off Groupbuyauto - for 15% off GROUP for 16% off If you add an item to your cart, and it automatically shows 10% off then the FORUM code will work for 11% off, and sometimes even The GROUP code will work for 16% off If you add an item to your cart, and it shows the "Groupbuyauto" code added for 15% off in your cart, then the code GROUP will work for 16% off... Every penny counts!
  19. https://www.jrrshop.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=XLN+Audio&order=relevance&dir=desc
  20. At Audio Deluxe https://www.audiodeluxe.com/search/site/vienna big bang orchestra?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&mc_cid=4159513596&mc_eid=6dc3a4bcf0
  21. 50% off http://everyplugin.com/eastwest.html
  22. $179.99 on DOD at Best Buy https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-12tb-external-usb-3-0-hard-drive-black/6364259.p?skuId=6364259
  23. https://www.bozdigitallabs.com/product/t-bone/
  24. VSTBuzz: 71% off “Loom II” by Air Music Tech - Normally €92 Now Only €27! https://vstbuzz.com/deals/71-off-loom-2-by-air-music-tech
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