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Brian McClelland

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  1. Hey, fulop.nandor! Brian from Roland Cloud here. Sorry that you're having difficulty with the pitch bending. If you Contact Us through the link at http://www.rolandcloud.com/support we can submit this to our dev team and get it worked on. Thanks for letting us know. ?
  2. Yes, it's nice to meet you! I asked them the same thing about reissuing the hardware when I started, since it's requested frequently. Turns out that big changes in the parts supply and the movement towards more modern manufacturing (SMD electronics, etc) have shifted away from assembling these units like they were previously built. All good, though. I love the sounds of the Cloud, as well as the accessibility.
  3. I'm in the Seattle office, just started a couple months ago. I haven't been to any events for the company yet, but they look like a blast! Where are you located?
  4. Hi, Fleer! Also, a very good question. While our Roland Cloud Lifetime Keys have been rolled out separately from the promotion of the Fantom, I agree. I'll send you a PM and we can work something out. ??
  5. Hi, Zo! Good question. We just discussed some upcoming bundle promotions today. Though I can't release specifics, I can say that there will be more options coming for those that want some mix of Lifetime Keys with some of the subscription-only expansions.
  6. Hi, everyone! Brian from Roland Cloud here. Thanks for the feedback. The Lifetime Keys became available recently at the request of those that were interested in a one-time purchase. The membership tiers offer a variety of sounds and configurations with a monthly or annual option. We have new sounds and features coming out all the time for members, and if you sign up now, you get one month of Ultimate to try everything Roland Cloud has to offer. I'm always around if you have questions. Thanks!
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