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Steve Ennever

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  1. Hi, I tried this but the location for the tempo (slow down) was not registered in the list. Therefore there was nothing to copy. The simple tempo changes I had inserted were there in the list. But not the more complicated tempo 'slow down.' Any thoughts? Steve E
  2. Hi, it was copy/pasting 'tempo changes' ie: slowing down, speeding up, that I was referring to. Not different tempos. Steve E
  3. Hi, I'm referring to deleting a time/measure for the whole project, not an individual track. You can insert them - but apparently not delete them. Steve.
  4. Would I be correct in assuming that Cakewalk does not copy & paste tempo changes now? Also it does not appear to delete time/measures. You can insert them to your hearts delight. But not delete them? I seem to remember it used to. Am I missing something? Steve E
  5. Want to load my old version of Sonar 8.5 (64bit) - attempting access plugins, well one plugin in particular - the vintage channel (VC64). However, the loading process is not accepting my serial number. There's a possibility my email address has changed since I purchased it. Anyway, is anyone aware of a way to combat this problem? Thank you... Steve E
  6. As usual, notification of the latest update from Kazrog arrived via email. But both True Iron & True Dynamics would not load after being updated - showing errors. I contacted Kazrog and received this.... any thoughts anyone?
  7. Say for instance you have a vocal. You have a fair amount of plugins on it already & you need it to stay on the channel its on - but also be on two other channels (arriving on those channels after that chain of effects you've previously added). Is that possible? Thanx Steve E
  8. Here's the current one https://support.soundtoys.com/article/90-midi-control pertaining to specific DAWs, not relating Cakewalk obviously - thus my question here. I'd already checked this out. And someone else had already given this link earlier in this thread. Quite easy to find. Anyway, it does indeed look like Cakewalk is limited in this area.
  9. Sorry, do you mean you're not sure if Alter Boy supports Midi...
  10. Been there & no, it doesn't. Cakewalk midi simply doesn't recognise Soundtoys LAB exists.
  11. Does anyone know how to access the midi control of Soundtoys Little Alter Boy? It doesn't register on mine. Indeed, is it possible on Cakewalk? Thanx... Steve E X
  12. Hi, The buffering was one of the 1st experiments. Sadly nothing as simple as that. UAD still on the case. Thanx... Steve E
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