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albert williams

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  1. Sorry for the last reply. Thanks much, I just realized that. It's actually working with most of my synth plugins. I would still be rocking my brain without you, really appreciated.
  2. One more thing Scook, could you help me to get my pitch bender working?
  3. Greetings everyone. I just baught an Nektar Impact LX 49+ keyboard and I'm trying to play and record vst synths sound with CBB but I'm not hearing anything nor seeing any midi indicator lights. Can someone tell me what im doing wrong?
  4. My StudioMix is now up and running on Windows 10 with Cakewalk By Bandlab. Thanks to everyone who helped. ?
  5. Hey James, could you help me to setup my StudioMix with Cakewalk By Bandlab? That would be amazing.
  6. I saw a copy of the Sonar manual online, it doesn't say any thing about StudioMix nor how to setup a control surface but I might get Microsoft to do a roll back to Windows 10 version 1511 for me and then try to install the Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins software cause that version of Windows was out the year the Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins software was released, I've managed to get StudioMix preset in Cakewalk By Bandlab but I guess it wouldn't work without the Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins software installed cause Windows would need to recognize it. I hope I don't have to throw my StudioMix in the garbage cause it's to good, anyone have any suggestions?
  7. Good day, so I was told by support@cakewalk.com that it's the same way as setting up a Studiomix in Sonor and they would help me but they don't have a Studiomix on hand. If anyone has a Sonar manual and could link me pictures of the parts of the manual that shows how to setup a control surface in Sonar that would be amazing. In Pro Audio 9 it use to be a checkbox that you would have to click on in the console view to get a Studiomix working with it. Please and thank you.
  8. Hi scook, thanks for joining in to help me i appreciate it a lot. So I've downloaded the Cakewalk Control Surface Plugins from the link you've provided but after I extracted it all and run it the following text appears .....Cannot locate the required version of this program on this system, Please install the correct version of the program to use this pack.
  9. Hi Deering Amps, thanks for your reply. I check my C drive Program Files\Cakewalk\Shared Surfaces for StudioMix.dll but it did not showed up there
  10. Hello, if anyone can help me I would be grateful. I have a Peavey Studiomix, used it a few time on Windows xp with Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 but my software got stolen so now I have Windows 10 and I'm trying to use it with Bandlab Cakewalk. Thanks in advance.
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