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Tony Carpenter

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Everything posted by Tony Carpenter

  1. I always wait until at least a .1 release or higher, depending on the total lack of support
  2. @simon Yes it was But the website is behaving erratically again, doesn't know I am logged in, then it does, et al..
  3. izotope makes great products, but, their website is one of THE worst I have ever used in my life!!!. They need to use some of that machine learning to learn what their customers already own!!!. Just saying... I did end up paying the 149 for upgrade to Ozone 9 Advanced, as I own everything else up to date. Tony
  4. Eventide stuff can be very cool, starting to regret selling my DSP4000b+ about now LOL..
  5. @ZincT I'll plus one on Captain Plugins.. I think the price is not bad as is, but, on special would be very nice :).
  6. I got Cinematrix for free with my virtual cash balance over there, it sounds amazing :).
  7. SO MANY toys.. so little money... LOL..
  8. Thanks I did. I am weak... actually, I really want to use the mastering part of studio one. It's cheaper than buying steinberg or others.
  9. That's a good possibility. I own all the izotope advanced versions.... we'll see if they make the upgrade worth it to me this time around ... LOL.
  10. I have 65 UAD plugins I have bought always on special.. I have the QUAD UAD2 Card and a Silverface Quad Apollo with TB3 upgrade. I won't (he says now) be buying anything more off them. I simply don't use them all.. BUT, what I do use and it varies on application, sounds, and behaves beautifully. I get the most mileage when recording mics and playing my guitar or bass into the unison preamps. Stuff like the Capital Records chamber.. are just.. well, incredible!.
  11. I am going to file it under, got it but it doesn't rock my world, YET!. Basic issues straight away, behringer X touch does not work even remotely as needed. Doesn't seem to remember it's even part of the equation. It's an interesting thing that thankfully I didn't pay full price for. Midi is woefully supported for sure. Never mind, note to self try before you buy LOL.
  12. You're an evil man!! :). I had no need for yet another DAW, but, that is a sweet deal and I've been curious for some time LOL. Tony
  13. +1 Always use it on my tracks, not everyone, but it adds something every time.
  14. Mac slays windows on multiple audio i/o full stop. But anyway, that price floating around on the axe is great for sure.
  15. The analyser keeps disconnecting... for me, and I have a very good isp speed and latency. Teething issues, or overwhelmed, you decide LOL. Great piece of kit the app is based on for sure. I used to have the DBX Quantum, twice.. that was good too.
  16. Tony Carpenter


    Get it, it rocks!.
  17. Darn shame this is windoze only :(. I got excited at the idea of this. As a non sight reader, and overall ants on paper type phobic.
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