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Max Arwood

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  1. Are they all audio tracks? Like David mentioned is there any automation on any lanes? Including buses? Are there any master bus effects? Can you see the pops on each track or just hear them? Have you looked at the master and main outputs to see if the Pop is on those tracks as well?
  2. That looks more like a computer/buffer problem more than clipping or other wave form defects. It could even be a bad connection in a wire or other device. One question does it happen all the time or just happened this one time. If it happened more than once in the same song, Is there any logic to the spacing between the groups of glitches. This doesn’t look like an over driven section but Was it played really loud.?
  3. Experiment with the bounce buffer size. Try same as playback. And other numbers.
  4. Don’t mean to break in, but yes! Midi waver depth and speed. 🤔 😁
  5. Change the midi channels. That might help. Solo and mute buttons might help? Be sure midi send is not on for the soft synths.
  6. There is a difference between where the cursor is and the now time. I think Melodyne looks at the now time not the cursor position.
  7. I’m pretty sure it has to do with where the timeline is in Cakewalk or sonar. If you check, you’ll see that your timeline is not lined up on the clip that you’re editing.
  8. Desktop restore does that as well can yours say one monitor icons and move them to another monitor. That’s what I’m looking for.
  9. That what desktop restored does. Well, yours, restore separate monitors to a different monitor like move the icons for monitor one to monitor two??2️⃣
  10. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that does this. I have a few mix versions topping out around 400. This 15+ years of tweaking. I get a new plugin and want to go redo all my songs lol. Sometimes it helps, but mostly the performance is king. Yes, I hate to say, I am a plugin junkie. Sorry I can't post more today, I got to head over to DEALS NOW!
  11. Lightshot. A tiny screen capture utility. Quick load in and out of memory. Nothing fancy. https://app.prntscr.com/pt-br/download.html Be sure to hit the translate button if it comes up in Portuguese. That is, unless Portuguese is your native language 🙂.
  12. I thought I was crazy (Still debating lol) I found the info on Blue Cat Software. I found it in Revo uninstaller. Here is a screen shot.
  13. Jamie O'Connell's Desktop Restore! http://www.midiox.com/index.htm?http://www.midiox.com/desktoprestore.htm Revo Uninstall!! I use the paid version. https://www.revouninstaller.com/products/revo-uninstaller-free/
  14. What si the best way to swap 1 and 2 keeping the icons the same? Is that as simple as swapping cable positions in the computer? Any idea? I wish Jamie O'Connell's Desktop restore could save icons on one monitor at a time! Thanks for any ideas.
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