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Michael Andreas

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  1. I know this is off topic but... does anyone know how to reach Cakewalk support or has that died? Trying to authorize my Dimension Pro and Rapture programs and can't. Followed all instructions in forums (Run as Admin, etc.) nothing works... and finding a forum that is still active is almost imnpossible. Any help appreciated. Michael
  2. We can now import multiple MIDI tracks linearly. "To import back-to-back instead of multiple tracks, hold down CTRL+SHIFT when dragging the MIDI files into a project." I just discovered you can do the same with audio tracks... Is this new? It would have saved me so hours on a project a few years ago when I had to load several audio files but, wanted them one after another all on the same tracks.
  3. I have the instrument definitions for the Roland JV1080 expansion boards that used to work on my pre-Band Lab Cakewalk Sonar program. But, when I load them into the most recent version, even though the instruments show up in my Track View 's Outputs, Banks & Instruments windows, Cakewalk isn't selecting the correct MSB & LSB values so, I'm only hearing the voices inside the JV1080 and not accessing the board voices. Am I missing something here? These boards are included in the Rolans.ins that comes with Cakewalk, so I can't figure out what's changed. Of course, all assistance and direction will be greatly appreciated! Michael Andreas
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