Vocal mics can be extremely personal thing, especially if you’re the one recording and mixing your own voice.
Personally, I’ve been through a lot of great cheap-ish and mid-price-ish mics, tube and solid state, including Mojave MA300, AKG C414 (don’t remember the variation), Antelope Audio Edge Solo, and Austrian Audio OC18. I have a soft-ish baritone voice that’s not an easy one to record, at least not with my (admittedly less than professional) recording/mixing skills. I’ve also gone through a few mic preamps: RME Fireface 800, GAP PRE-73, Focusrite ISA One being the lastest I’ve tried.
Anyway, last summer I sort of impulse bought an used sE Electronics SE2200T mic – a discontinued tube variation of a more common solid state model – and with my current interface/preamp (SSL 12) seems to be a perfect combination for my voice. ( I did switch the original ECC83/12AX7 tube for a JJ Electronics ECC803, but the difference that may made is probably pretty minimal.) There’s much less need for eq’ing, even though good dose of compression during mixing is still a good idea.
A more proficient engineer probably would have gotten great and even better results with any of the hardware I used to have, and an important part of the good results may well be me getting better with recording and mixing.
So, my advice here (if you can call this that) is that you may be needing time to test several mic/preamp combinations before you find the ”golden one” for your particular voice and preferences. If you can get loaners from friends/shops/studios to try, it’ll be much cheaper than buying and re-selling stuff.
Good luck!