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Keith Wilby

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  1. I need to check that out. Thanks 👍
  2. I try to keep the listener guessing when I can 🤭
  3. Definitely good enough to use with a backing track, probably not acapella. I think the software they used on John Lennon's "Now and Then" was Peter Jackson's Rolls Royce of stem extraction, but the one I use is very affordable with decent enough results.
  4. I was quite enjoying it until the squeaking came in at 54s. I found that a little irritating to be honest. Otherwise, I liked it 👍
  5. I really can't fault this. The mix, especially, is tremendous. Well done 👍 What did you use for the strings?
  6. Another AI stem separation dalliance. This time, vocals and rhythm guitars from the 1990s, everything else new. Comments and critiques welcomed as always. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/460f2033-9851-ef11-991a-6045bd36e0d9?sharedKey=a0VDPRiJ1Eq_5ap8l4G4cQ
  7. I use this website (I'm not affiliated with it in any way): https://www.lalal.ai/ It can produce spectacular results if the source file is a decent recording.
  8. Hi all, it's been a while so ... this is my latest dabble with AI to extract a vocal from one of my stereo recordings from the 90s and put it with a more modern backing track. Comments welcomed as always. https://www.bandlab.com/revisions/6857c341-9d4d-ef11-991a-6045bd36e0d9?sharedKey=D1rWbql_X06zB9F8Ar9Qhg
  9. Hi Mark, yeah I might have a go at playing it again - that solo (which goes a bit off the tracks at the end) is locked in with the acoustics on the original track but with a little jiggery-pokery I should be able to create a new solo section, if that makes sense.
  10. Keith Wilby

    Man Alive

    Hi all, I've been tinkering with AI stems again. The bones of this recording "stem" from the early 2000s. I've added bass and brushed drums, along with some hopefully subtle strings and some Rhodes. It was (and is) about my bewilderment at terrorism. https://www.bandlab.com/post/b3134212-4623-ef11-86d2-6045bd2cd6bc
  11. Hi Mark, good to hear from you again and thanks for your concern. Nothing to worry about thankfully, just got my plate full of other stuff at the moment - a young grandson to look after and two offspring's weddings looming. You know how it is ? Hope you're well ? BTW I didn't see a message on Soundcloud, I wasn't being rude or ignorant, just unaware ?
  12. OK (my) panic over. I discovered that if I uncheck "enabled" under "keyboard shortcuts" then behaviour returns to normal. Quite why that should be I have no idea but I'm just happy to have it working again. Sorry for the post, I wish there was a delete button ?
  13. Hi all, After years of working correctly, suddenly my Alesis v49 sustain won't work with CbB. I can press and release a note and it's fine. If I press and hold a note, then press and hold sustain, then release the note, it sustains. Keeping sustain pressed, if I press any other notes then they won't sound until I release the sustain pedal. I recorded this sequence with a piano plug-in in CbB and when I opened the event list there were no control events at all, only notes. I've tried this with other piano plug-ins, and also with my piano with its built-in sustain pedal, same result. I've also tested the setup with MIDI-OX and it reports that everything's as it should be. The only thing I can think is that I've inadvertently changed a preference setting in CbB but they all look OK to me. Any ideas anyone? I hope so ? Many thanks.
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