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Everything posted by icu81b4

  1. I've pm'd you again ... But for David's benifit I have repeated my response. Well, that's something i've learned, but why is the same error occuring on the last part of the track, the clip withour any region effects applied?
  2. Hi Noel, I have PM'd you the complet project, I cut it down so it's only small, and I had an incorrect path error when trying to zip it up.
  3. Thanks Noel, Can you point me in the right direction on how to do that? I have deleted all the tracks and fx apart from one track and it is still not working as it should, So I'm guessing this particuler project is corrupt somehow. If I start afresh and import the clip into a track it works fine.
  4. @Tim Elmore Hi, Thanks for the response. Re ... Are the responding and non-responding parts in separate clips? Nope, The entire track is a single clip.
  5. Hi David, - Thanks for responding 1. Is it audible or just a waveform drawing error? It's audible 2. Have you seen more than one instance of this? Yes, Within the same Project. 3. Is it a single clip in a single-lane track? It occurs in both single and stereo tracks 4. Was the range of the lowered gain segment modified after setting the level? No. But getting back to Question #2 I haven't been able to re-create this in other projects. and even more strange is that in earlier versions of this project - it seems fine, So It may be that this version of the project is corrupt in some way. which is a tad annoying as I need to complete this by the 20th. Looks like I'm going to have to go back to earlier versions and start over!
  6. Item 2. is now Sorted - Thanks @David Baay Just Item 3. Where Clip Gain only alters a part of the waveform instead of all of it.
  7. Hi Tim, Apart from the colour issue, I see that in the CbB tungsten example used the actual waveform looks exactly the same, I would have expected to a see an increase in size of the waveform where you add 3.7db and a decrease in size where you take -4.8db off. I have raised this issue in the latest update feedback thread.
  8. Thanks for the reply Jonathan, I switched on my PC this moring and Sonar is now displaying the updated version (I didn't need to re-install or run the .exe again) So that's item 1. sorted. Item 2. I can set the End marker to Now time ... but it doesn't stop the project. Item 3. Is still an issue, where the clip gain doesn't adjust all the waveform. See below. Thanks Alan. Clip Gain.mp4
  9. Hi, 1. Just Updated via Sonar notification Download was Update Release Setup_30.12.0.004.exe but the 'Help About' still displays version 2024.11 (build 120 64bit) Am I still a version behind? or is the Banner wrong? 2. When trying to use 'Clip, Clip Automation, Clip Gain' when a waveform is selected, it only changes ( raise/lower) part of the waveform selected. (See attached) 3. And where is the Set Project Start and End Markers command located now? (Not that the End marker worked anyway! ) Anyhoo - Appreciate the updates
  10. It's working now, I shut down everything and restarted - and now I can log in.
  11. Thanks for the replies, sorry for the delay responding but I've been working. When I try and sign in via the help drop down, nothing happens, no prompt or login screen or anything. Also I was signed in via the Bandlab assistant. - looged out of that, and the 'Log In' button does nothing.
  12. I mostly use Sonar now, but trying to use my Cakewalk by Bandlab, and I can't activate as the usual sign-in via the help drop down isn't working?
  13. I have just installed and calibrated my room using SonarWorks SoundID This gives me two Options:- 1. A Plug-in that I can use in my DAW (Sonar) and that works fine. 2. A systemwide App that can I can use my calibrated speakers on any Audio output media (for ex:- Spotify or Windows Media Player) and that works fine ...... ............. Except when I listen to a project within Cakewalk Sonar ! When I inspect the preferences within Cakewalk Sonar the input/output devices all point to the sonarworks Asio Driver My system sound settings point to Universal Audio Thunderbolt WDM Anyone have any ideas why Cakewalk sonar isn't using the SystemWide App?
  14. @Canopus Thanks, was that in the latest update? Which I downloaded about 2 hours ago @DeeringAmps Thanks for the ‘W’ tip. Yes, they show up in the ‘markers’ view but not the ‘module’ drop-down
  15. I tried the new Start and End Markers function, and although they show on the 'View Markers' list and work ok, They don't show up in the 'Markers Module' which is what I use to get to the start ( All the others markers show up ok) Workaround is just put a normal marker in at the start as the 'End' marker stops the project. btw:- Thanks for the update.
  16. As a loooooong time Cakewalk/Sonar user, I'm glad of the technical direction this looks to be heading in, However I too wouldn't be happy with a subscription model.
  17. Thanks for the replies, Yes msmcloed & Craig. That does help. "record it via my control surface and ride the faders through the whole song:" It's this that I'm interested in doing, But as I don't have a Control Surface, I don't think it would work so good just using a mouse as a fader. So will have to draw it it as suggested. Hmmm. Now where can I buy some faders
  18. Thanks Andres, Yes I'm aware of those capabilities, I guess I didn't explain very well. I'll see if I can find an example of what I mean on YouTube....
  19. Hi, Watching producers using Pro-Tools, they will usually finish the mixing process off using 'Automation' on the Bus's (So Drums, then Guitars etc...). I don't use Pro-Tools So I'm not sure if this is a feature of PT My question:- Is there an equivalent feature in CbB? I know I could use a 'Waves' Rider plugin and set that to write to an automation lane (for ex volume) but wondered what you guys might use? Thanks. Al.
  20. I use the vst plug-ins..... been using them for years with no prior issues. I'll get back to you re:- real time bounce.
  21. Thanks for the replies, I tried removing the plugins from the track in question (and the master bus/Sub it was going to) but it still crashed, So I deleted the 52 other tracks and saved the project as a new named single audio track, without any plugins - and that bounced ok. So now I have a workaround. as I can import the bounced track back into the original project. So it might be a dodgy plugin, but I only use CbB, Universal Audio, Soundtoys or Izotope plugins.... I'd expect these to be faultless, but evidently not.
  22. Hello, Just trying to bounce one audio track onto an empty audio track, and CbB closes without any error. I am on the latest version of CbB (2022.09 Build 027, 64bit). I was on the previous version (02?) when I noticed it and upgraded to .09 to see if that might solve the problem. but it didn't. Rgds Al.
  23. Ah, you might be on to something there, I’ve transferred/updated so much stuff I could have upgraded AD2 in the process.
  24. FYI - I have an Edirol UM-2 (by Roland) and Roland stopped supporting it at while ago, however by following the procedures listed here ... http://johnwarburton.net/blog/?p=25289 Or here https://www.tenforums.com/drivers-hardware/15790-share-successfully-installing-edirol-um-2-windows-10-a.html You can leave to change to the .inf file as windows 10 (no need to enter 11) and very important to turn off memory integrity setting like this on Windows 11 ... https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/a-driver-can-t-load-on-this-device-8eea34e5-ff4b-16ec-870d-61a4a43b3dd5 And it works again. What I'm not sure of if it will still work if I turn memory integrity back on again and reboot?
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