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  1. Thank you, I double checked where the VST part was installed and found the plugin for Grace and now it's working fine. As for TX16Wx I found that in program files too, but there was a warning about something about and outgoing call not working because there was some sort of ingoing call and the plugin wasn't scanned and even if I rescan it doesn't show the warning again but just doesn't detect any new plugins. Either way I at least have Grace working now, so thank you for your help!
  2. They were installed to a ProgramData file on my harddrive and I moved them into a folder for cakewalk plugins which I have added as a folder in VST Settings and contains instrument plugins which are all detected by Cakewalk. I also tried moving them to cakewalk's Vst folder and that still didn't work. I'm also not sure how to open them by themselves, if that's possible. They were installed in folders in my hard drive originally but I moved them into a folder which is added to the VST scanner, but they were not detected.
  3. That's actually the one I'm using. I probably should have specified, the ones I've tried are TX16Wx Software Sampler and Grace Sampler.
  4. Oh okay. I just planned to try it to see if it worked or if there was a problem with where I'm putting the plugins or something.
  5. Yeah, I actually tried it with two different samplers and rescanned each time but unfortunately wasn't detected. I might try Emulator X and see if that one works.
  6. I've downloaded a sampler but I don't understand how to use it with Cakewalk. It's meant to be VST so I added it like a normal plugin but it isn't detected. I'm pretty new to this stuff so maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
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