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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Yes agreed it wouldn't take much for IE to add a total size for the bundles. With the Forum quotes I was getting an extra multi-quote popup which I didn't understand the mechanism for but I now realise how it works. Now it seems to quote straight away without any popup so it must be a "first use" thing. Thanks
  2. Thanks Mark (I have worked out the quote thing now , I have my buffer set to 256 samples which seems to work well for everything apart from VG-Silk and VG-Sparkle. I'm sure I tried freezing the track when loaded normally and it still played back with crackles. I will try freezing with the Jbridge method and see if that works. When it stops outputting audio using the Jbridge method I then have to close the project and re-open to get it working again (I don't have to close CbB fortunately) . I need to do some more experimenting.
  3. paulo, the disk size is shown in features against each individual library. I quickly totted them up for you as 27Gb in total for the bundle... Normal & Strum Nylon Gtr 3Gb & 2Gb Acoust Gtr 3Gb & 2Gb LP 5Gb & 4Gb TC 4Gb & 4Gb Total = 27 Gb Think I need a quick tutorial on this new forum as I hit quote on your post but your post didn't get quoted in mine!?! How does that work?
  4. Wishing a Happy, Peaceful and Deal-filled New Year to you Larry et al!
  5. Happy New year to one and all! ??
  6. If you have an iPad you can still buy the IOS version for around 20 bucks. This is the UK link so just search for sound canvas in your store https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sound-canvas/id952549036?mt=8 Review here.. An app called studiomux lets you use it on a PC as if it were a vsti. https://zerodebug.com/studiomux
  7. I have Craig's book which I can recommend but would also be very interested in an updated version of your Power series updated for CbB Scott. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the update and for keeping up the development on this Steven!
  9. I like the look of the tube modulator myself scook and Pluginboutique have a sale at the moment --> https://www.pluginboutique.com/meta_product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/3456-Audiority-Plugins
  10. Thanks TS! That's a good YouTube demo. I picked this up today and it does a lot for 10 bucks (8.95 GBP). Also has some options not found on all reverbs such as Formant, Flow, Bode and Freeze. It's also packed with useful presets to get you going.
  11. Thank Amicus. I bought their Nylon strum after auditioning quite a few as it seems to be the most flexible I found for that kind of work. I looked at OTS Modern Nylon, Indiginus Renaxxance, Amplesound AGL (good but nearly 3 times the price). I have quite a few realistic sounding Nylon Guitar libraries and it was mainly the IE strum engine that appealed in this case. I really like UJAM VG Silk but it doesn't work properly in CbB/Sonar. It either crackles when loaded as a normal VSTi or works for a while and then stops outputting audio when loaded via Jbridge (a workaround which somebody else pointed out). I had started recording VG-Silk parts in Studio One (where it works fine) and then exporting to audio for import into CbB but TBH it's a bit of a nuisance!
  12. See here for details... https://www.timespace.com/products/zero-g-soundsense-ambiosis
  13. Just discovered and used the "Thanks" icon on the heart shaped one. Cheers Starise.
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