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Anyone still having sustain problem with some VST’s?
CHCollins replied to SynthManDan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
An update on the source of the zap-noise when Garritan Aria Player is switched to "Suspend on Stop" and the user hits pause or stop. If you start with a fresh instance of the player, there is no zap noise on stopping. However, once you turn on the Aria Player "Convolution" effect, even if you then turn it back off, you will get the zap-noise on pause or stop from then onward -- and also on any future instances of Aria Player that you add to that project, I believe. The only solution I found is to delete all instances of the Aria Player in the project, then re-load an instance of Aria Player, immediately go to the Aria Player's Effects tab and turn off Ambience (and Convolution if it is on). Then, you should no longer hear the zap when stopping transport. So, you can get both "kill the sustain" AND "no zap noise" on pause or stop, if you switch Aria Player to "Suspend on Stop" and you disable Aria Player's Ambience and Convolution right after loading the synth. For ambience/convolution, use track FX instead. Hope this helps three other people in the world. -
Anyone still having sustain problem with some VST’s?
CHCollins replied to SynthManDan's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
March 2021, and yes, I have the issue with midi notes continuing to sustain if (a) I hit pause or stop while any note is playing and (b) CC64 (sustain) is 127 at the time the playback is paused or stopped. This is with Garritan Orchestra ARIA Player in Multi mode. And this is with the Cakewalk midi preference to reset the pedal and all controllers to zero enabled. So, I concluded either that (a) Cakewalk is not sending the Zero Controllers signals to the right places, or (b) Cakewalk is sending a zero-your-controllers message to ARIA Player but ARIA is not responding to it. More background info. Say I pause playback while sustain is "on". The current notes sustain. While the notes are fading, if I "mute" the Cakewalk Track that receives the output from ARIA, the sound immediately stops. If I then unmute the track, the rest of the sustained note is heard. I found that the ARIA Player panel has preferences ("plug-in properties") in its VST drop-down box. One of them is the checkbox "Always Suspend on Stop." I checked this box and tested, and nothing changed. So, I saved the project with this setting, then re-opened the project. Now, when I hit stop or pause during a sustained note, I hear a brief (and annoying) electronic-buzz and the notes and the sustain do turn off. The buzz must be coming from the VST. So, Cakewalk was indeed sending the stop-controllers message, but ARIA was not acting upon it, until I clicked ARIA's checkbox. Updating the ARIA Player from the 2016 to the 2019 version (the latest) did not change how ARIA responded to the controllers-off command. Now I have to decide which is more annoying, the sustained notes, or the zap that ARIA makes turning things off. If Cakewalk would also stop its own audio engine upon pressing stop, I wouldn't have to decide. -
It would also be nice if the initial tempo and tempo changes were printed in their proper places on Staff View -- or at least have the option to display them.
I'm sure this has been answered here but if so, I can't find it... Say I want to bounce two audio tracks, with their automation and fx, to a third track. If I use "Tracks" mode in the Bounce Tracks dialog, then the result is two additional tracks. If I use "Entire Mix" mode with the selected tracks, then ALL un-muted tracks get bounced down to one track UNLESS I also designate the selected tracks as "Solo". I must be doing something wrong. There must be a way to bounce just the selected tracks to a single track without having to "solo" the selected tracks first. Thanks in advance for setting me straight.
When working with MIDI files some preferences are not saved.
CHCollins replied to RobertWS's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I'm guessing you are going tell me: I have to re-save the workspace before I quit the project in order for my selection to be remembered! -
When working with MIDI files some preferences are not saved.
CHCollins replied to RobertWS's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Using a custom workspace... -
When working with MIDI files some preferences are not saved.
CHCollins replied to RobertWS's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
I have the latest (2020 - 09) version and the project does not remember my selection in the Track View, under the MIDI tab, to not "Show Velocity". I turn it off, save the project, reload the project, and the "show velocity" checkbox is back on. -
I have a project with 66 tracks, arranged into 13 track folders. As I was moving the last few tracks into Folder #13, and then clicking "Save", Cakewalk responded with "General Error" and I could not save the project from that point onward. So I went back to a previous version and tried again to move the un-foldered tracks into Folder #13, but this time, one at a time, and then saving after each move. I could move about 3 or 4 tracks this way until I hit "General Error" and had to close the project and re-open. After a few closes/re-opens, I was able to move Track 66 into Folder #13 and hit Save and it successfully saved. Folder #13 has 9 tracks. The most tracks that any of my folders contains is 14. If I am hitting some kind of Cakewalk track/folder limit, I shouldn't be able to bypass the limit by closing and re-opening the project. Something's amiss here.
@chris.r "How do you get the note properties pop-up by right-clicking? I get note deleted here." I get the Note Properties dialog box by (a) using the wrench (Edit) tool, (b) hovering over one of the selected noted until the "pencil plus up-and-down bars" cursor appears, and then (c) right-clicking. And thank you for pointing out how to do what I wanted to do (mass-assignment of note velocity) via the Event Inspector in the Control Bar. I so often forget about those docked-away modules.
I would also like to recommend adding track sort buttons (i.e., up/down/move to top) to the track list dialog box, so that one can select a track and move it up/down in the list. I realize that one can drag a track up and down in the track view but it would require much less real estate and it would be clearer what one was doing, if one could easily move tracks to arbitrary positions via the track list dialog. Thanks.
Request: I would like an *easy* way, after selecting a GROUP of notes in Piano Roll View (PRV), to change the velocity of all of the selected notes to a specific value. Currently, if you right-click on one of the selected notes, you get a dialog box for note value, velocity etc, that applies only to the note that was clicked on, even though multiple notes are selected. Consequently, if you type in a new velocity, only the velocity of the clicked-on note changes. In the forum, other ideas have been suggested to accomplish velocity change of selected notes only, such as adjusting the size of the velocity bars in PRV -- difficult to pick the right tool for this -- or mass-editing them in Event View, but that's not easy either, as the Event View shows all notes, not just the selected notes and, even if you could isolate the selected notes, there is no way to mass edit the velocity values. My thought is, that if multiple notes are selected in PRV, and one right clicks on *any* of the selected notes, then the note-editing dialog box should appear, except with blank default values for the properties. If the user types a value into one or more of those boxes, then all the selected notes would receive the user-entered value for that property. That seems to be the most intuitive way to extends the current single-note editing capability.