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Cat Schrodinger

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Everything posted by Cat Schrodinger

  1. There were a few Zynaptiq products on sale consecutively earlier this year with pretty good discounts, including this one (in late April), Wormhole, Intensity and Unfilter. I don't know if any of their other products were also included. Maybe there'll be a series of consecutive sales again this time around. But this is just a guess.
  2. CPU and latency issues aside, I think this one is well worth snapping up when on sale like this! Definitely worth demoing if one is unsure. Incidentally, it has been on sale for this price previously, e.g. April of this year.
  3. ?Oh, the joy! Five and a quarter days after ordering and nothing to show for it so far besides the order confirmation email that was received shortly after ordering. Order status: still 'Processing'. Musician's Friend, I behold you as supreme Guru and thank you for giving me this opportunity to practice patience. ? *wanders off muttering indecipherables under breath*
  4. According to someone posting about this deal on reddit who contacted support, they were told that the system takes longer to process orders for first time buyers, and that a code will be sent within a couple of hours of the payment processing. After contacting support a second time they were told that there's a 1-2 business day manual processing time and that they don't work on weekends, after which it'll take up to 24 hrs for the code to be sent. I'm not ecactly sure of what to make of all that. But I think the basic gist is that it could be a few days yet before an outcome is known.
  5. Sorry for my slow response, Tezza. Short answer: No. Longer answer: My order was placed over 20 hrs ago. The order verification email that came shortly after placing the order states that all orders are subject to billing verification. It also says that it's a digital download and that most are delivered via email within a few hours. My order status is still at 'Processing'. At this stage I'm wondering if not using a VPN or false address like some others were able to successfully order and receive a license with will eventually result in my billing info being not verified. I'm less optimistic than I was yesterday, but still hopeful. I realize this might not inspire hope for others trying from Australia though.
  6. Prior to you saying this I'm almost certain I saw something flash rapidly past me. I suspect now that it was your quick wit exceeding 88 and going back in time.
  7. I confess, the Australian I've talked about is me. I breezed through the order process surprisingly quick. So quick in fact that what I did is a little unclear in my memory now, looking back. I was able to add the item to cart and place the order without having to change my listed Australian shipping address or phone number which has an Australian dial code prefix. Initially I wanted to look at this deal and the order process just out of curiosity. But then one thing quickly led to another and I was surprised to find myself already at the final step of placing the order, which I then half-absentmindedly went through with. It all happened in under a minute. In all honesty my original intention didn't involve actually placing an order as I'd thought that wouldn't be be possible without using a VPN or fake address or something of that sort, which I had no interest in doing. At one point I did change my country with the drop-down list country selector. I apologise, as I can't remember exactly when I did that part. But looking now my country is set to Australia. *slightly confused look* It's all a bit of a haze and a mystery to me now as I reflect about it. Incidentally, my order status 4 hrs later is still 'processing'. I'll post here again if a license arrives any time soon.
  8. As far as I know this deal was set to last through Aug 14. I was expecting it would end 5PM (AEST), but it's still active presently. I know of someone in Australia who took the gamble. If I'm remebering right, they simply changed store location to the US. This alone was sufficient to make the 'Add to Cart' button clickable, even with the address in their account still being an Australian residential one. Once in cart they checked out with PayPal. This was around 2 - 3 hrs ago. They're still awaiting license delivery. More discussion about this on reddit: Correction: where it mentions changing store location to the US, it should've simply said that the country was changed to the US. This was done with the usual drop-down-list type country selector. Aside from the country, the rest of the address specifics listed in the account were still Australian when this person added the item to cart and successfully placed the order.
  9. I've read of some circumventing this obstacle by changing their location to the US in their account settings then checking out with PayPal.
  10. I haven't shopped at Kinguin any time recently, but used them many a time 2012 - 2014 without issue. They predominantly deal in game keys, and as such were one of my preferred merchants when seeking out cheap game prices. This 2018 post on their blog explains the reason behind their low prices: https://www.kinguin.net/blog/howkinguinworks/#:~:text=On Kinguin%2C sellers who bought,%2C advertising%2C support%2C etc.
  11. Hi again, arnaldoo. Thanks for passing this info on recently. But . . . If you didn't go ahead and buy XO yet and had still been planning on doing so, and if you haven't checked out XO's product page recently then, regrettably, I'm the bearer of bad news. The price returned to full today. When I looked a few hours ago it was still on sale, but for around $109 instead of $89. At that time it was still listed on PB's deals summary page as being on sale for $89, and with the same conflicting end dates I mentioned in my previous post about this. But then when I checked back a short while later I found the listing on the deal summary page was gone, the sale was over and the price had returned to full. If you were informed by someone at PB that the sale period was being extended out to Aug 8 then it seems you might have been misinformed. All in all, I think this particular sale has served well to highlight how conflicting deal end-date info can be both a hassle and a cause for disappointment for would-be customers following their passions and trying to arrange their budget accordingly to accommodate. I hope you were able to get XO in time at the lower price. And I If not, I hope there will be another good sale in the not too distant future.
  12. This deal lasts until Aug 3. Typically, info about deals at PB can be found here: https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals On that page the graphic for this deal says that this deal ends Aug 2, while the info below the graphic says 24 Jul - August 3. I think it's fairly safe to assume that the implied end is when Aug 2 ends (end of Sunday night). Furthermore, XLN Audio is located in Stockholm, Sweden. I'd say that this deal ends when Sunday night ends in Stockholm. But that's really just a guess. Stated plugin deal end dates can be a bit ambiguous when different time zones are involved and adequately specific relevant time details aren't provided. Either way, I think it can safely be said that it'll still be on sale on Aug 1.
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