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Anthony Griffiths

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  1. @Kalle Rantaaho thankyou for that tip. I had the same problem with cakelwalk not recording any audio, I was tearing my hair out and turns out I had auto-punch ticked
  2. I loaded a midi file into cakewalk by bandlab (version 2024.07 (build 108, 64 bit) and a strange p0 thing appears in the track view at the beginning of track 10. see screenshot I attached - you'll have to zoom right in to see it. what does this mean? it's also where cakewalk crashes. I've also included a screenshot of the event list around this point. if i mute track 10 cakewalk doesn't crash. it must be some entry in the event list but i don't know what. thanks for any ideas.
  3. I'm trying to set a midi imput for a track but its greyed out. In the track I click none/selected track inputs but where it says midi inputs I can't select anything. I've attached a screenshot of what I mean. in preferences/midi/devices I can see my E-MU Xmidi 2x2 selected as the input device. thanks for any help
  4. I was prompted to update calewak by bandlab about a week ago and after I did the program is not working the same. I'm on windows 10. when I now launch cakewalk the program comes up and then I get 'not responding' in the upper left corner of the window. this lasts up to 20 seconds and then the program works ok. this didn't happen prior to the update. is there a fix for this?
  5. thankyou for the replies here: @rsinger regarding the scalerplugin do you have to pay extra for the patterns? or can it take generic patterns obtained elsewhere?
  6. back in the 90's I had a yamaha qy300 sequencer - great little device. as well as the usual 16 midi tracks one of its better features was an extra 2 tracks - a pattern track and a chord track. the device came with preloaded patterns that you could arrange one after the other to form a song and the chord track enabled you to change the pattern chords as it played. this enabled one to knock up a basic track in very little time as each pattern contained drums, bass, keyboards and more is there a way to do this in cakewalk bandlab? ('ve heard about loops - are they the same as patterns? if I can't do this in cakewalk is there any other software that can do this? thanks for any advice.
  7. using sonar platinum 23,7,0 build 27 on windows 10 with 2004 update. audio device is an m-audio m-track mkII usb I have a cwp file that used to work fine but now when I press play I get a message: 'unable to open audio playback device. device may not support the current projects audio format or may be in use'. I've been through the settings and through the settings over and over I've been to www.cakewealk.com/support/hardwaresetup and been through that. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting the m-audio device. I've checked the tracks's output. everything looks as it should but this message just keeps coming up and I can't do anything. I've got the only driver available from m-audio. hope someone can help here this is driving me absolutely batty and I don't understand whats going on.
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