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Anthony Giorgianni

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  1. Hello All This is a very strange thing that just occurred in BandLab Cakewalk version 2024.02 (Build 098, 64-bit). I don't know if it's a software bug, something I did or both. In my many years of using Cakewalk, I have never seen anything like this I have been working on a song for months that includes multiple midi tracks and one audio track for voice (an additional audio track for an older take of my voice). When I opened the piece yesterday, two of the eight MIDI tracks (bass and oboe) had suddenly appeared with multiple (what I believe) were mysterious take lanes. These take lanes had multiple snippets (like linked copies) of the notes in the two primary midi tracks. (Note that I have never used take lanes, nor did I do any recent recording in either of those two midi tracks.) Here's an example of what happened: My oboe track (Track 6) suddenly appeared with three different take lanes labeled T1, T2 and T3 below it (I think those were the numbers). I don't remember exactly what was copied, but for instance: The Oboe midi take lane T1 might have had - among other things - exact copies of midi measures 4 and 5 of the main Oboe track 6, EXCEPT for one note, which was duplicated in T2, along with other material from Track 6 (that one duplicated note actually happened). Lane T3 had yet other small duplicated snippets from the main track 6. Again, I haven't recorded to track 6 in quite some time. (Note that none of the take lanes had duplicated material from each other, just from the main midi track.) It's almost like Cakewalk decided long after the fact that some of those midi notes had been recorded in different takes, which they weren't. Thankfully, all of the original notes still were in main tracks. But if I tried to delete any midi snippet from any of the take lanes, those notes also disappeared from the main tracks as well, as though they were linked midi notes. I should note that the piece was playing fine, but I just couldn't delete any of those mysterious take lanes without also deleting the main track material. Very frustrating. It was the same my bass track 4, except that it had four take lanes! I haven't recorded or changed anything in my bass track for months except some of the note velocities. As a possible work around, I tried copying part of the material from one of the take lanes before deleting it and then pasting it back into the main track. But all that did was paste it back into BOTH the main track and the take lane I copied it from. This is even stranger: As another work around, I tried cloning bass track 4 to track 5, figuring it might duplicate only the main midi track without the four take lanes. But instead of creating a duplicate of bass track 4, it created four MORE take lanes. So then I had bass track 4 with eight take lanes, which I undid using Ctrl Z. I finally found a successful work around: I created new oboe and bass tracks, and then copied the notes from the original main tracks into the new ones. Then I deleted the original two tracks, which also deleted all those mysterious take lanes. (I also had to recreate the track volume envelope I had in Track 6. I didn't have any other effects.) It's interesting that in recent days, I've only made minor changes in that song - mostly by moving notes in the staff view - in my French horn and piano tracks, neither of which developed mysterious take lanes (I may have recorded a few notes into the French horn and piano tracks using my keyboard as well, but I don't think so). As I said, the only other changes were in some note velocities. I hadn't recorded anything on the audio tracks for weeks. Does anyone have an idea of what caused these mysteriously appearing take lanes, and how I can prevent it from ever happening again? (Note that my midi tracks are set to input/output from/to a MidiSport 2X2 USB midi interface. My audio tracks are set to input/output from/to a Tascam US-1641 audio interface. Cakewalk is running on a Thinkpad with Windows 10. I'm also running Melodyne 5 Studio in Cakewalk.) Many thanks, Anthony Giorgianni
  2. Hello All I hope this isn't a dumb question. I have Cakewalk by BandLab Ver 2022.02 Build 038, 64 bit installed on my Windows 10 laptop. I have the trial version of Melodyne 4 Studio downloaded through Cakewalk using BandLab Assistant, though I have not activated it (I had activated the trial on an earlier install, but I moved Cakewalk to another computer). I was thinking about purchasing Melodyne 5 Assistant - currently on sale. What is the procedure for this? If I download the purchased version onto my computer, does it automatically update in Cakewalk, or is there something I have to do to use the purchased version of Melodyne through Cakewalk? Is there a special version of Melodyne 5 Assistant I have to download -something specific for use in a DAW. Or is there just one version that I can use a stand alone or through Cakewalk? I don't want to spend the money and find that only that an expired trial version of Melodyne Studio 4 (assuming I activate it) is stuck in Cakewalk. Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find it TonyG
  3. Hello All I recently migrated from Cakewalk Pro 7 to Cakewalk by BandLab, and I'm finding the new version incredibly complicated (I can't even figure where to post this message or where the tutorials are). The big problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to float Windows. WithPro 7, I was able to open the CW window and then put the console on one of my two computer screens, the track view on the other and maybe even add a staff view in another window and move them around. Maybe even add reverb and equalizer windows. With the new version, I can float a track view, but not other types of views, such as the console or piano roll views. I can tab the views or lay them out in rows (the lay out in columns or arrange icons selection have no effect. I don't even know what they mean). What am I doing wrong? I AM able to record, play back. Thank you! Anthony Giorgianni
  4. Thanks Promidi! I actually got it. I left both computers running again all night and CW finally installed on both sometime during the dead of night. I think the problem oddly is with the Windows InstallShield, which freezes on both machines, sometimes for more than an hour after suddenly then just continuing. It did the same thing last evening when I tried to install the Melodyne add-in. Took hours but finally took. Odd that it's the same on both machines! Thanks again.
  5. Hello All I know there have been lots of questions about install issues. But I'm at a loss on trying to install Cakewalk on either of TWO Windows 10 Pro computers (Thinkpad W530s) . What happens is Cakewalk begins to install and gets about 1/4 the way and hangs on extracting files. It is exactly the same on BOTH computers. (I have left both going all night! Stalled!) 1) Both computers have different anti-virus, though I've disabled both AVs 2) I have run BandLab assistant as an admin on both computers 3) I have cleared out the %Temp% files on both computers 4) I have checked to make sure there are no hidden permissions that either computer is requesting 5) I have tried installing in Safe Mode (BandLab Assistant will not run in safe mode in either computer) 6) I have tried installing with all add-ons and again with no add-ons. Any other thoughts before I figure it's just my bad luck and give up :O( Many thanks. Anthony Giorgianni
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