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Rob Coren

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  1. Rob Coren

    TD-27 Snare Bleeding

    Currently I have a Roland TD-27 electronic drum set and using the latest version of Cakewalk by bandLab. The TD-27 driver allows me to have each piece in the drum kit as individual input sources and I assigned each to its own track. The problem I am experiencing is whenever I enable the tracks for recording and hit the kick drum or any of the toms, I see what appears to be bleeding onto the snare track. I say "it appears to be" because when I listen back the individual recorded tracks, I don't hear any bleeding. It only happens with the snare and when I hit the snare itself, the input signal is correctly displayed. There is no bleeding signal on any other track. The Roland module has several features to eliminate any "cross-talk" (bleeding) between tracks, which I use. However, it doesn't seem to be helping in this situation. I also uninstalled/reinstalled the TD-27 driver and uninstalled/reinstalled cakewalk. However, the problem seems to persist. I have no other PC components that would add to the complication and also have the latest Windows updates installed. Has anyone come across this issue? Any suggestions? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rob
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