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Alan Tubbs

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  1. Rene sold his earlier synths thru cakewalk. That included zeta 1. He then developed Dimension for cakewalks P5. Dimension was the basis for Dimension Pro and then Rapture/Pro. I know that doesn’t help but puts the timeline and ownership into a mixed up perspective. your best bet is to forget about Cakewalks synths. Use them if you have them, I do! But I turn them into audio and save those for tracks. I don’t know if I can add my versions to a new computer. Bandlab seems perfectly happy just renting Cakewalk Daws out and has shown no interest in adding any old or new synths or effects. I wouldn’t torture myself over what Bandlab will add for Daw use. If you have it, use it. Otherwise move on.
  2. Are you saying free software might try to get you to pay for the said software? Perish the thought.
  3. I get spam thru Microsoft, in apple, from email. Every once in a while I get some from Bandlab, I suppose. Delete and report is your friend, until you realize they just add new spam for the deleted ones.
  4. Tape Op said they will change the online text.
  5. here you go. https://tapeop.com/reviews/gear/164/cakewalk-sonar-4-daw/ @
  6. The latest one on line. Nov Dec. I don’t think it is printed and mailed. I haven’t gotten mine, anyway.
  7. Here is a little PR. I don’t know what cakewalk sonar 4 is, but otherwise you can find the review in the free tape op mag. You might have to subscribe but it is a good mag.
  8. Next solved the biggest problem Cakewalk had - Mac compatibility. It is doing job 1 and I hope they add to its capabilities.
  9. Continue to use cakewalk sonar and render all your midi and audio tracks and save the tracks. Now when Bandlab sends you a ransome note for $15 you can transfer all your audio to a new DAW. Done and you don’t have to give in to Bandlab’s taking the folding money out of your right pocket. Just $100, 200 or 500 will get you a new and different Daw.
  10. Nobody I know likes the subscription model. Yet the #1 DAW is sub based - Pro tools. We might not like it but it is a fact. I don’t like paying taxes or co pays either. i do think the roll out of of cakewalk sonar was … confusing. It shouldn’t take so much effort to figure out what Cake is offering. It is spread over various web pages and sites. As far as I can tell Bandlab is mostly a social music site. Cakewalk Sonar is a bonus for bandlab users that want to step up to pro output, but you have to keep paying. Certainly not the straightest line. But it is also true that cakewalk use to charge $500, a year, for the full version of Sonars and also loaded with the latest synth that cost hundreds too. So your $150 a year sounds kind of puny and a good deal (even with out Dimension Pro or Rapture). I never heard as much squealing over Sonar’s pricing. they are going to get your money one way or another. It is natural to kick against the ***** but at some point you need to move forward. My next choice would be Mixcraft since is a cheaper buy and works much the same as old Sonar. But you know, you still have to pay for it, even if you buy it by paying off a credit card.
  11. I don’t think the trial includes saving. I could be wrong but I would think that is how Cakewalk Sonar works.
  12. The Newton is a reasonably priced RND channel strip with an excellent pre. The isa one is good and cheap, relatively for a standalone. It isn’t as thick sounding as the wa76. But I found that putting a nice transformer somewheres in-line can help get “that sound” without a +$500 pre. But again, you are going to be spending that much per a channel on a decent comp or eq, so ….
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