I think im about to solve this problem for everyone. It took me some time to figure it out ?
My real problem was with FL Studio!!
So basically what you need to do is your track need to be mono! Check your settings because even if you place a mono stem in a track, fl studio works on it as a stereo. So when Nectar is applied on it the vocals pan to right. To solve this you need to make the mixer channel mono!
Didn't have this problem with Calkwalk thought but ...
For FL studio guys.. go the mixer channel.. there is a ⭕ shaped button below the mixer's db/volume control. (REMEMBER! Not the panning one. It's look similar to that but it's below the volume control. Panning ⭕ is above that) Click and hold your left click on it and try to slide it up to turn it right. It's called STEREO SEPARATOR.
I hope i solve that girl's problem too who was looking for this solution for her bf on every forum. ??