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Greg Coleman

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Everything posted by Greg Coleman

  1. ? I have a vocal track that I am trying to apply EQ on. I have selected the entire track and inserted the EQ on the track, but the EQ stops registering on different sections of the track. It might start out registering on the first section of the track and then stop registering along the entire track. I have been trying for the past 3 weeks to fix this problem, and cannot find a way to do it. Can someone please tell me why that is and how ci can correct it? Thank you in advance for your help.?
  2. I started this arrangement to far to the right at 00:00:03:27 which is causing a big gap of silence when I burn this composition to a CD. How do I slide these tracks over to the left to 00:00:00:00, to eliminate this period of silence when I export my tracks to audio for burning a CD? Thanks in advance for your assistance with this matter.? Greg Coleman
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