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Alex Sokolov

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Everything posted by Alex Sokolov

  1. Actually I tried many things to fix the delay issue, including all the phase modes. Maybe I did something wrong, the spectral ducking by side chain always made the indicator red. At the same time seems all the beeded functions of trackspacer like m/s and freq selection are available in Pro-Q4 now.
  2. Yep, I've replaced trackspacer with Pro-Q4 and everything sounded good. But I'm getting a red delay compensation indicator in my Pro Tools, so I'm now with Trackspacer and green indicator again.
  3. "The Spectral Remix and the Spectral Clipping plug-ins are part of the Ircam Forum free membership. The other ASAP plug-ins set is part of the Ircam Forum Premium ($200/year) technologies bundle offering many tools, plug-ins, applications, and datasets to analyze, synthesize, and transform the sound. The Premium subscription gives you access to downloading and installing Ircam Premium technologies for one year. Once installed on your machine, you can use these technologies without a time limit. The free membership allows you to use the demo version of the ASAP plug-ins." A bit more than free for me :)) Or I'm doing something wrong?
  4. I believe, it is just a pack of wav files, so you do not need anything
  5. Marcel Gnauk? https://www.freetousesounds.com/ $30 for 2TB )
  6. Yep! But as for me, RX Advanced is must have for everyday sound restoration work. So I still prefer RX, using a lot of restoration tools. Sometimes Absentia DX or Auto-Align Post are way more useful than Clarity. It depends on your tasks for sure.
  7. I use klevgrand brusfri for just stable noise. It is cheap and seems better than RX Spectral Denoise. I prefer RX10 Adv to the Clarity. If you are looking for 1 magic button, like Clarity or Dialogue Isolate, try Accentize VoiceGate and Acon Extract:Dialogue
  8. If you have Pro Tools, it is free, as I know.
  9. Someone goes this way some years ago with techno and dub. https://eternal-flow.ru/ No royalties, but sales at appstore googleplay and so on.
  10. Thank you Milan for understanding. Dear e-cue, if you just do not want to buy something from Russia, I think you should try Sound Theory Gullfoss. There are a lot of great programers in Ukraine (I'm very happy with Spark mail client), but I do not remember any audio software developers. But I do not think you can support the war, buying a software for $55 from USA Reseller.
  11. Was a very good price. $199.- for me now at bestservice. So JRR seems to be the cheapest one.
  12. @Audio Brewers Thank you very much for the detailed answer. However, I am personally interested (not not so much, actually: the demand for ambisonics projects has dropped a lot in the last couple of years) in the trial of the full version because of ab Transformer. I've worked a lot with ambisonics, I have Dear VR Pro, Audio Ease 360 Pan Suite, some weirder programs like Sound Particles. It's easy for me to just decode the signal. I'm interested in software that would give me: - Harpex B - quality decoder for lower price, - Convolution reverb, working with custom samples (like Noise Makers Ambi Verb HD for lower price again) - decoder for a custom speaker array (like 5.0 + one speaker above) working somehow in Pro Tools Ultimate. I'd like to check the algorithm of your decoder, but I don't think it is better than Harpex B or at least Dear VR, and it is hard to test it in a home studio with the free light version. I like the ab Transformer capabilities - it would be interesting to check it out, not sure if there are analogs for Pro Tools. But there is no trial and there is no ab Transformer in the light version. I'm interested in Automatic Troubleshooting - does it differentiate between FuMa or AmbiX on input?
  13. Let them know we need a trial to test if it worth 44 euro. While we have facebook spatial workstation, ATK, Rode's decoder and a lot of other software for free. I have one Senheiser AMBEO VR mic for sale, btw. With a Rycote wind protection. PM if needed.
  14. iZotope RX9 and PPS on sale again (cheaper in cart, use code Group) https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope
  15. RX9 and RX Post Production Suite 6 are out now Сheck your account for serial If you bought it at the presale https://www.izotope.com/en/account/purchase-history New features https://www.izotope.com/en/products/rx/features.html
  16. and now cheaper at JRR with code GROUP (no mention about free upgrades) https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  17. As for me, RX8 is almost the same as RX7 Adv, that I use every single day in my work. So I hope the upgrade PPS4 to PPS6 (+$13.44 DeluxeBucks) for $268.98 will be OK. I'll wait a little for JRR: there were some sales like iZotope RX Post Production Suite 5 Upgrade from RX PPS 4 for $251.16. A little better for me.
  18. In anticipation of the forthcoming RX 9 Restoration Software, for a limited time only you can buy RX 8 or RX Post Production Suite 5 now and get RX 9 or RX Post Production Suite 6 for free when it's released (excludes RX Elements). nice at https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=8558 cheaper at https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/izotope (in cart) I'll wait for JRR by the way UPD cheaper at JRR with code GROUP (any PPS upgrade to PPS5 for $251.16) https://www.jrrshop.com/izotope?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  19. Hmm, strange description: Neutron 2 Advanced Ozone 8 Advanced RX 7 Advanced .. hope it is JRR mistake I just want to upgrade PPS4 to PPS5 less than for $250!!!
  20. nope, Ozone is Ozone, Intensity is very strange "make better" knob.. But I like it :))
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