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Adhitya Kusuma

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Everything posted by Adhitya Kusuma

  1. Hi Promidi, Many many big thanks for your help, I don't realize there is a workspace configuration there on the corner ? I really appreciate your guide, thank you very much ☺️
  2. Hi all, I'm new in this Cakewalk by BandLab, previously using the Cakewalk Pro Audio (decades ago... >.<). I wonder whether this version of Cakewalk has the Event List view, because I've been searching for it but still no luck. Fyi, I'm using Cakewalk by BandLab version 2020.05 build 039 64bit. The Help Center told me there is shortcut to open the Event List view (https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036997613-Keyboard-Shortcuts), but I think the version I installed doesn't have any of it. Even though the Cakewalk Online Documentation has it (https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=4&help=Views.27.html), but maybe for different version I guess? Not found in track popup menu: Not found in Views menu: Could anyone please let me know where I can find it in the application? It is very useful feature to see/manage the MIDI messages. I really appreciate for any helps, thank you. With best regards.
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