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Kurt Jiagu

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Everything posted by Kurt Jiagu

  1. Kurt Jiagu

    Cakewalk Templates

    Why do the sound designers who make presets for vst synths and include midi , provide templates for Ableton and/or Fl but never Cakewalk , surely there must be a lot of people using Cakewalk now for this to be viable ???
  2. Thanks, you have no idea how many times I checked everyone of those sections in prefs and STILL didnt notice that !!!
  3. On the PRV , the notes always appear several octaves different to the notes being played. The notes appear to be correct and show as correct in the vst synths , but appear to be several octaves different on the PVR. Yes , I know this can be corrected using the KEY+ on the midi track .....but surely there should be a global setting to adjust this so it is not necessary to adjust for every Vst instrument that is used ?
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