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Rafaela Martinelli

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  1. I menaged to uninstall it using an unistaller app... Now I'm downloading it again but it seems to be taking quite a long time... I'll just wait. But thank you for trying to help anyway. ?
  2. Here's the thing: One day, out of nowhere, my Cakewalk just had NO AUDIO. All of my projects were completely muted. So I tried to uninstall and install again. But I can't uninstall Melodyne. There's an app called "Melodyne Runtime 4.1 (x64)" whic I can't uninstall and that's stoping me from installing Bandlab and Cakewalk again. Here's what pops up when I try to uninstall: It says: This app was blocked for your protection. An administrator blocked the execution of this app. For more information, contact the administrator. But I am running as the Administrator. I tried altering the security settings of my computer and... nothing! I really wouldn't like to lose access to Cakewalk. I like using it. =(
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