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Harry Waddington

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Everything posted by Harry Waddington

  1. You have been an amazing help. Thank you so much.
  2. There is still a mismatch when it comes to the midi note. The key being hit is B2, the kick in Kontakt is B0 and it is working. How do I get the notes in Cakewalk midi to match what I have in Kontakt?
  3. That did it. I changed it to channel 1. How would I find out what channel I need to set?
  4. The Kick on the map is set to B2, the note is on B2, and the kick in Kontakt is set to B2. Why isn't this working?
  5. The kick not is on B2. This plays the sound fine when on Piano Roll, then when I go to the drum map, the note is still on B2 but doesn't play.
  6. It seems to work when output is set to Kontact 1, but when I change that to the drum map, it just stops working.
  7. I think it is a Kontakt note to midi note mismatch, but trying the Base Octave for Pitches setting didn't work.
  8. Kontakt is working and making sound, I am just unable to map any keys to it. I have attached screenshots if this helps.
  9. I have just got Cakewalk. I am using Kontakt Player 6 to run GGD Drums (Drum Sim). I am having trouble getting it to work. I have mapped the Kick in Kontakt to B2, I have done the same in the Drum Map Manager in Cakewalk, but it simply isn't playing. What am I doing wrong?
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