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Fred Kells

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  1. SOLVED Ah, Mr. Baay! So glad I mentioned "Aria". Thank you! And thanks to all who posted, too. Fred
  2. Neither the left-click nor the 'j' scrub produce a sound. The track is routed to a VST player (Aria) and back to an audio track. When I Play the notes (spacebar) they play back normally. But when I left-click a note in Piano Roll, only the midi track shows a response; nothing shows in the audio track. Just to make it more confusing (for me, at least!), another midi/audio track pair in this project (which use the same VST, different channel) works as expected in Piano Roll! So it seems to be some sort of routing problem - both track pairs play back normally, but only one gives an audio response to the left-click in PR. Any other ideas I can pursue? Thanks again, guys!
  3. How does one do this? (I've tried every tool and key combo I can think of . . .) I'm not trying to add a note or to edit a note --- only to hear (audition) it. Many thank, guys! Fred
  4. Uset 905133 -- can you share with us the name of one of those third party plug-ins you mentioned? Thanks. Also, I just received this additional reply from CW: "Thanks for writing back. We'll consider this as a feature request. I will pass along your thoughts and needs to our product development team, and I will let you know if this becomes something we might build in the future." At least we're in the pipeline!
  5. To User 905133: I simply want to apply the same Midi Fx (a vst that works well in CW) to multiple midi tracks without having to load that fx into each track. That's the identical function that exists is CW for audio tracks (where you Send each audio track's signal to a stereo bus containing the fx). To all others: I sent the request to Bandlab. Here is their response: "Thanks for reaching out; happy to help. Cakewalk by BandLab does not offer the feature of applying MIDI FX to multiple MIDI tracks simultaneously. However, it is worth noting that you can apply MIDI FX to individual MIDI tracks. On the other hand, the Send feature is available only for Audio and Instrument tracks. Although you may not be able to apply the same MIDI FX to multiple MIDI tracks, you can still use Send effects to route audio from multiple tracks to a single Send bus. With this technique, you can apply a single effect to all tracks that are sent to the Send bus, which can help you achieve the desired sound or effect. It's important to keep in mind the limitations and possibilities of the software features to make the most out of your music production process." (I was particularly dismayed by the last sentence. Most businesses believe that the product should fit the customer, not the other way 'round.) Seems that the bottom line is that this won't happen unless LOTS of users send their request to Bandlab. Hope you will do so!
  6. I was astonished to find that Midi Sends/Midi Aux is not a feature of Cakewalk. (And this is a product that began life as a midi sequencer!) I'll try Cakewalk Support, too.
  7. This is definitely better than what I was doing. Thanks, guys.
  8. Is it not possible to convert a midi track to a soft synth track (retaining the midi data)? I often compose in a notation program, export it as a .mid file, and import into Cakewalk. As expected, I get a separate midi track for each original track in the notation program. So far, so good. But I want to play each of those tracks thru a soft synth; to do so, I have to add a Soft Synth track, then copy/paste the data from the midi track into it. When I have lots of tracks, this gets tedious. Isn't there a way to simply convert or replace the midi track with a soft synth track? Many thanks!
  9. Just an update on this topic: No images from Cakewalk/Documentation on Chrome, Edge or Opera. But Firefox works fine. (All on Windows 10 Pro, build 19044.1826)
  10. Thanks for all the advice, guys. (I was afraid there wasn't a magic bullet.) I tried the fx suggested by In A Week and it definitely helps. It easily shifts notes a bit within a guitar strum or piano chord, giving a more realistic effect.
  11. Is there a way to "un-quantize" an imported midi file (not produced in CW) that was quantized by the producer? (He recorded some guitar comping, then tightly quantized it so it sounds like a machine. What I want to do is essentially "un-quantize" it by moving some of the start times a bit backward or forward.) Many thanks! Fred
  12. The files are vocal recordings on Apple phones or tablets. Many of my clients use Apple products, but I've only had this problem with two of them. The latest file came as an email attachment (Gmail). The email itself is MIME-encoded (Ver. 1.0). Does that mean the attachment is also encoded? If so, is there a way around this, or must the sender use something other than email to get the file to me? Many thanks!
  13. Occasionally, an .m4a file imported into Cakewalk plays around 10% slower than it should - enough that it begins drifting out of sync with the other tracks after a few seconds. -- The pitch is normal. -- The sample rate is correct. -- The same problem happens when that file is imported into other audio software (i.e., it's not a Cakewalk issue). -- So far, when I ask the sender to re-record, the second file is fine. Any idea what causes this? And how to avoid it? Thanks, guys! Fred
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