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Everything posted by DCMG

  1. Thanks for the input. Don't recall this issue in SONAR; seems like a recent ( last 2 updates?) Will do more testing this week, but it's pretty random so far....
  2. Random issue but happens enough, thought I would ask if this happens to anyone else. Typical circumstance: Loop Record Mode> run 4-5 passes> stop transport to find all passes are not in correct position (always early to where they should be). Luckily I usually am looping to a grid so it's easy to see the new misaligned passes are easily moved by 1/4, measure or whatever and all is well. Subsequent passes all land in correct position; not unusual for the problem to NOT present itself again for days or a week. Note: I did have this happen with a manual start (non looping mode) the other day, so it's not just a loop record issue. No pattern detected yet, and no other timing anomalies with my setup observed ( UA Apollo w/ Presonus 192 providing Optical ins and clock) TIA.
  3. thank you thank you!!!
  4. So glad to hear others questioning this. I usually use cntr+arrows for quick zooming and the (zoom+center) behavior I simply took for granted as normal. Now I have to zoom and hit G (center) to center where I was working *constantly*. It's a workflow mess and slows me down. Can we have this be a user option to have the old behavior ?
  5. I would like to know this as well. Is this new behavior discussed somewhere in another thread? Definitely prefer the previous <zoom+center> behavior .
  6. When it happens it's with every midi folder in the project ( ie if I have battery, Omni, AD, etc all will be closed w/tracks within folder hidden). It's also free of any pattern thus far, so I think it must be a keystroke ( perhaps custom one?) that is doing it when I'm not aware. Thanks for the input. I will continue to track it down. Creating a test file today with the usual midi tracks on board and run through some typical keystrokes to see if I can recreate with more regularity.
  7. I mentioned in my post that the pic I took was of a folder with nothing hidden yet. "Pic here is with tracks "not hidden". I posted this as there was some confusion in an earlier reply as to what "hidden" meant (?!) In this context...that is the hidden I am speaking of. So I just opened another project where I definitely did not intentionally go to this track and "hide" the midi tracks. Yet when I open it. If I'm not purposefully doing that upon close, I have to guess there's an errant keystroke or preference I've set ( or not?) that is doing this when I close a file. That is what I'm trying to investigate.
  8. pretty sure I don't but I will double check that. Thanks for suggestion.
  9. It does seem to be in midi folders. Hiding midi tracks within an instrument folder is (was?) a very specific process, but now something I'm doing is making that happen when I'm not aware. The term hidden applies to THIS scenario. ( Yes, I understand collapsing audio tracks in a folder...this is with midi tracks only upon further investigation). Pic here is with tracks "not hidden". When I re-open the file, the midi tracks will be "hidden" and I will specifically need to click the box to unhide. This seems to be happening without my input, but I know that's impossible. Wondering if a new shortcut or key binding that I use regularly is doing this. Will keep investigating, but any other observations of this would be appreciated.
  10. My apologies if this has been addressed, but some recent update appears ( at least on my install) to have enabled some sort of "auto hide" of tracks within a folder. It may have been discussed in a prior release note or something but I've been a bit too swamped in a few projects to continue searching for where or how this functionality is addressed ( be it a preference that needs to be checked or else?) Cursory search show nothing but it could be several updates ago. It seems I will often open a file to find that multiple folders ( maybe midi only folders?) that were expanded when i last worked, to now be closed and all tracks within hidden. Obviously I can just "unhide" within the box that shows how many tracks are hidden, but it slows you down when you're unhiding 10-15 folders. If this is a recent preference addition, can anyone direct me to the dialog box where I can have this disabled? Thanks!
  11. Got it. Guess I never ran across a situation when a clip was moved on the timeline prior to an unfreeze. I could make a case that the resulting frozen audio and the underlying data should both move when time was inserted...but the bakers disagree Thanks for the clarification.
  12. (2019 07 build 79) Liking the update!! Frozen track (numerous clips) > Time Inserted to project ( ex 1 measure) All this was done several weeks ago. Today: Unfreeze track> underlying data is now displaced; not reflecting the additional time that was inserted. 1. Was this always the behavior and I just never encountered it? or product of recent update? Thanks!
  13. Thanks Noel. Obviously I was doing a modified version of the Speed Comping process with some manual clip selection. That said, shift+click to do same is probably a fair compromise if it allows free time selection in the process ( like your examples above..I can see how that could be helpful). BTW..just reading the list of take lane/comping fixes/enhancements...you guys have been busy. I suspect I will find all sorts of cool improvements. Thanks!!
  14. Nice update so far. Question regarding comping behavior: Prior: Take Lanes- I would split phrases, click phrase; playback would adhere to clip range and LOOP as I selected (auditioned) alternate clips. Very easy to just jump around and have the playhead always jump back to the clip boundry... This was my preferred way to quickly audition lots of takes instead of the official Speed Comping method ( sort of a hybrid). Now: I can select the clips within Take Lanes but playback continues forward and does not loop. Totally kills that ultrafast workflow. Any preference I can adjust/untick to go back to prior behavior? Thanks!!
  15. Variorum-Good to know. This situation was a very strange one. Client had already shot all his music performance scenes for this indy film. I was hired later to replace vocals on all songs with the actual voices of the actors instead of singers that were on the licensed tracks. I (and others) warned him of the potential pitfalls of this. Had I been involved at outset, I would have advised him as to the correct order on how to proceed with that ( as in...don't shoot until your new vocals are DONE) FF to now...director say "ooh wow..yeah some of my close up shots are out of sync with the "new"vocal tracks!" (duh) I requested rough cuts, isolated the 4 or 5 moments in each song where the new vocals did not line up with how the on- screen singer lip sync'd. Plan was to: import vid clip>time align with my audio>address the problem areas with Melodyne/stretching or simple clip nudges> re-export my audio to vid editor. The Process was *****-backward from how it should work. I had music tracks, lead vocals, 8 archives take lane of performances, 6-10 tracks of backup vocals already in place and actually still in process of being completed. More logical to align his video/audio clip to MY TRACKS than the other way around. BTW, first song is already fixed (nudge here and there, alternate takes that match better, melodyne). Worked beautifully, client is happy and hopefully has learned a big lesson :) Sorry for the epic tale. Maybe it will help someone else who finds themselves in similar situation?
  16. That worked. Loaded the mp4 in Movie Studio ( entry level Vegas)>exported as WMV. Re-import and the clip can be moved at will. Wish the audio portion would stay linked to video as you move on the timeline, but hey..it's workable now. Thanks for your help scook!
  17. Thanks scook..yeah that thread addresses my issue exactly. I have the dumbed down version of Vegas ( Movie Studio or something like that). I might try what one poster mentioned about rendering it out to WMV format and see if it behaves better. Thanks for the help!!
  18. Ah..ok thanks for that scook. That helps. So I really need to focus on why that config file edit isn't taking and is stuck on MF engine. I'll keep at it...
  19. Thanks msmcleod..I will look into it. I should probably rephrase title, as I'm not having an issue on import really ( that's fine, mp4 file is importing without issue). I just can't seem to move the file on the timeline. The config file is definitely stuck on Media Foundation engine and is not changing to Direct Show. I'll try the Klite pac. Thanks!
  20. Thanks scook. I tried that as directed. R/click info still lists Media Foundation engine in use despite ( I think) following all direction on the config ini edit ( 0 as value). Will try again.
  21. Use CWBBL daily for business but video isn't part of my daily work flow, but today it is Need to import client's video and be able to move it freely on the timeline to manually sync up to audio on my project file that already exists. Manual says I should be able to "grab the clip header". I can move associated audio track freely but video stays planted at zero start time. Also tried the right click " Start Time The time in your Cakewalk project at which you want the video file to start playing." option but it appears to be greyed out. Prefer to just grab and move clip but if this function works I can hang with that too...but so far no. Surely I'm missing something...thanks in advance!!
  22. I'm seeing more of this lately . At first I thought it was an Addictive Keys issue alone ( many years of never running across this until I started using that). But I also noticed it happening when I had Omnisphere in a track...so now I'm wondering if it's a Cakewalk Bandlab issue. Strangely though...used True Pianos forever and never have stuck notes. Been onboard since CWPA7 and I never seemed to have issues with notes holding upon transport stop. It's like the "zero controllers on stop" can be enabled but it's not doing its job. Hitting the midi panic button sometimes solves it but not always. Odd.
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