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Everything posted by DCMG

  1. Interesting. Yeah, that's partly the reason I'm deciding to bail. Chances are this isn't the last time I would run into some proprietary Dell detail that would limit options. I think for anyone with limitless patience and/or mainstream needs, the units are nice. The initial experience of firing it up and getting it set up for general use was really easy. For their target audience, they do a good job.
  2. I never got dropouts, but substantial crackles were common. Not inspiring for clients as they sit and listen to what we're working on My install list is not small, but it's only stuff I really use. Not a bunch of cracked plugins from 2005, all reasonably current and paid for. I'm guessing that something installed didn't play with Dell-influenced OS or the Dell hardware. That's the stuff I have to use, so if the Dell isn't playing nice it has to go. My main stuff is CW, Studio Pro, Omni/Trilian/Keyscape, some FabFilter stuff, Boz, TRacks and Battery. Pretty lean, and that grouping has worked well on the last 4 system iterations I've had, so something in the Dell install just didn't play well. No reason to fight with it. By tonight my previous system will be back to being fully useable until I can decide how to approach this upgrade. I'd love to find a custom builder that would just do a MB/CPU/Memory/Case with testing and then let me do the rest. Again, appreciate all the input on this one!!
  3. I think you're right. Had I known, I wouldn't have spent 2 weeks installing/configuring/authorizing all my programs and plugins on that stock Dell OS. Should have just wiped it at the outset. Should have asked around a bit more before pulling the trigger. So I'm in my return window. I have to do a fresh OS + all audio installs again *either way*. So you have to ask yourself if it's better to double down on the DELL system and do it there...or just build a new one as you've always done ( with good results). When I weigh it, the latter is a better use of time. I was going to delete this thread, but it may be helpful to others who weigh the option of DIY v off the shelf, so I'll leave it for now. Really do appreciate all the input on kicking this around.
  4. Interesting. I guess I thought that as long as they had a solid MB/CPU/Ram at the core, I could tweak anything on the margins and have a great machine. As the two other helpful members suggested on the Dell forums, a clean install of Windows might bypass all that stuff. "might" is a gamble. Dell seems to have their footprints on not only the W11 install but bios and MB. Still within return window so I've opted for doing so and DIY or having someone else do the basic build. Gives me a chance to re-eval CPU as well. This on had 13th Gen Intel i7-13700K. I hear people getting similar results with the i5 as well. Time to start researching again where the sweet spot is on CPU choice. Any input appreciated!! Thanks again to everyone who chimed in. Great community here.
  5. Thanks Jim- Does seem to be a stripped down BIOS compared to others I've seen over the years. Little or no CPU/RAM performance parameters. You can disable onboard audio in bios, yet still see an associated service active on the system. Some of the Dell System apps are zombies that keep coming back BTW, I compiled 8 LatMon tests and found it was 98% of the time these guys: ISRs: Wdf01000.sys DPCs: ntoskrnl.exe with occasional ndis.sys Page Faults: msmpeng.exe It was a shortcut to think I could go "off the shelf" and pare back to a lean system, but I think I may have to cut my losses.
  6. I'll close this thread down shortly since we're chasing this down on the DELL forum.
  7. 1 month old Dell XPS 8960 Desktop ( i7 13th Gen CPU, SSD's) Been a "build your own" guy for 20yrs, decided to throw caution to the wind and see if I could tame a Dell off the shelf. Looking like a mistake. Often but random glitches in CW, LM test are bombing out within 20seconds ( mostly showing Wdf01000.sys , ntoskrnl.exe and msmpeng.exe as main offenders). I've done the usual stuff: removed all the Dell Assist stuff, Windows bloat, very lean startup, Defender disabled for now, USB ports and all power settings on full, disabled Bluetooth, Wifi, On board Realtek, tried disabling Speedstep and similar settings. Before I call Dell and get the standard set of responses, any ideas I might be missing? Apollo USB was fine with other system, but tried a reinstall for fun. No change. Disabled ethernet as well. Slightly better, but still not good. Prime95 for 7 hrs. No failure. I'm stumped.
  8. No. CW/Bandlab support sent me the same standalone installer I was using. Same error code. A few days ago they decided to get back with me to suggest the novel idea that some earlier plugins needed SONAR to be installed to work. Of course I knew that was the case with many but was under the impression that CL wasn't one of those. CA2A installed fine without SONAR present. They suggested maybe I should install SONAR as tho that was an idea that had never occurred to me ?. It was not a very solid exchange with the ole tech support. I had already installed Bandlab, had it all customized and stability tested....wasn't inclined to then go back and do a SONAR install along side and risk the solid performance I had going with my fresh Bandlab install. I opted to pass on that idea and find another plugin to use on track level, non master bus limiting and abandon CL. Too bad. I liked it and it was present in hundreds of past projects ?
  9. So CA2A installed fine via Control Center. Concrete Limiter throws this error. Same if I just use an standalone installer. Still requiring SONAR? Will contact support and update....
  10. Helpful, thanks ( good thread referenced, too... thanks). Wasn't sure if "best practice" had changed in the last few years, but sounds like it's generally the same.
  11. 3 years on my current OS and feeling it's time to wipe clean and re-install. The only items a really use from SONAR days: Concrete Limiter & CA-2A Can I just install those and not have to do the whole "SONAR" install? I thought those 2 may have been standalone, if so I could skip the SONAR install. Thanks in advance!
  12. I've had a version of this issue for literally years (across various updates, computer builds, OS refreshes,etc) I've traced it to graphic remnant from how CW draws data in folders; seems to leave lines when you change views. They exactly line up with the folder draws from pervious view. Very persistent. Why they sometimes go away and sometimes stay is too random for me to track. I've given up trying and I just look past them. Annoying issue tho. (PS: I just picked a random file in my current work list. Starting view>view 3 specific tracks> lines appear. I did not have to work hard to grab a screen shot of this issue. Literally any file I choose. )
  13. May or may not be related: I started noticing things very loud in rendered file that were correctly mixed on playback. Traced it down to groove clips that had been modified using Clip automation ( usually to spot lower a few things quickly). Upon rendering, these clip automation moves were not being represented. Odd problem and I've never seen it before. Found I had to bounce the clip w/ automation in place to proceed but have never REALLY understood WHY that happened ( yes, correct boxes were checked in the mixddown/export panel). If you have any tracks using clip auto's, look there to see if they're not mixing correctly. Will post a dedicated thread on this issue to see if it's common or some setting in my system ( never happened until recent update)
  14. BTW, thanks for the prior thread links...very useful
  15. Curious if you've used the curved monitor for any length of time while using your DAW. I get the intended purpose for gaming but wondering what it adds in DAW experience. Thanks for all the input here. I've got a lot of options to look into.
  16. Read the post; specifically how CW readability/clarity rates across different monitor types ( I do this everyday for a living, so it absolutely feels pretty relevant). If you're using a setup that works great with CW, I'd love to hear about it. If not....feel free to sit this one out Thanks for the helpful replies already. Good to get some input on how the ultrawides are working for CW users, as well as the curved. I've also noticed a trend of people using smaller monitors very close and angled up, usually with larger ones placed elsewhere. So many options... Thanks again for the replies!!
  17. My 2012 LG 37" TV ( used as a computer monitor) is getting up in years. Tried a few various sized dedicated monitors/and or current TVs and have been surprised to find most of them look great on traditional sites, mail, apps, etc. Open CW and they look....fuzzy ( especially all the text). I sit approx 3 feet from the screen/sit/stand desk so it's bolted down and moves w/the desk at all heights. While I like having a large TV so clients have some visual, I'm wondering if "smaller but better quality" might be the road. But it's not like trying on socks. It's a major production to keep buying TVs or computer monitors to "test" until you find just the right one. So tell me what you use? Single BIG TV Multi Smaller Screens? Curved? LCD/LED/UHD/4K/Touch? ( it's entirely possible that my eyes are just bad, but that's a whole nuther thread " TIA
  18. Never had it happen on a VST, only audio tracks. I've had 10-12 tracks of backup vocals all through an aux that suddenly goes dead. Never mid project. Only after a re-open of the project at a later time.
  19. Yes, I've seen this before. Very rarely, random enough I don't bother and just create new aux, reassign, etc. Seem to recall it happening on some occasional track templates (multiple bax>aux track w/ misc processing). Aux track is dead for no reason. ( Yes I know about the echo being on for aux tracks to work)
  20. This is a really good point. I've been looking at some of those plugins to see if there's common culprits. Every project I have probably has Fabfilter EQ, Maag EQ, RenComp, Concrete Limiter ( this is often in place before real limiting on mixdown, and I try never to have this on during tracking but worth chasing down to be sure). There are others, but those are literally on every project in some measure. I've had it happen on a project where no software instruments are in place, so I think I can rule those out.
  21. OP here. I get what you are saying...but the setup I'm using is not unusual. Apollo USB is the only interface my system is seeing. The Presonus 192 is being used simply as a set of converters for 4 (nice) outboard mic pres. That way my Daw sees the analog ins of the Apollo along with the optical ins supplied by the 192. Not sure why externally clocking the Apollo would be the culprit, but I might try the test just to be sure.
  22. Yeah, I'm not seeing round trip latency issues offset by 128 samples or something. These are wholesale "off by 10 seconds" issues. Then the next immediate round of recording (literally seconds later) ...everything fine. Odd issue. Yesterday happened mid session, which I haven't encountered. It's a tough one to explain to clients ( when we already labor under the "why not ProTools?" dogma ?
  23. Interesting note that the waveform preview is always in correct position, suggesting alignment is correct at moment of capture, then offset upon transport reset. Same always true here as well. I'm going to update all my system info along with typical plugins used so we can identify any commonalities. Regarding the suggestion about generic drivers, I only have the UA Apollo Twin USB drivers present and still have this issue. No conflicting ASIO drivers present.
  24. It happens so infrequently you might be waiting days or a week before the changed settings would show if they worked. I'll keep at it too. Strange elusive issue....
  25. Did some testing last night, couldn't get it to happen (or course) My only clue is I've never had it happen LATE in a session; always right off the bat, then subsequent takes are good once I observe the issue, stop transport and begin a new set of takes ( buffering, length of time program/OS/computer has been on? ) I've started doing a test run of 2-3 looped takes when I've got a client present. I don't tell them why I'm doing it, but I'm checking to make sure it's behaving. Shouldn't have to do that type of stuff to trust your system ( which BTW is a fast CPU, good RAM and all SSDs so no issue there) Will keep digging.
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