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  1. Thanks David, but I've tried as many variations as I could think of, with the same results. As a BTW, exporting audio out of Bandlab sonar still works fine. Thanks for suggesting however. Much appreciated.
  2. Below is an example. I typed in smith.wav, and you can see what it turns into. Rick
  3. A month or two ago I noticed my exported audio file names are automatically appended an underscore, e.g., smith__.wav instead of smith.wav. I figured this is some kind of default setting that came in on some Sonar update, but I can't seem to find where to undo it. Can anyone help? It's a minor thing I know but after the 1000 time renaming the file after export it starts to add up the wasted time... I probably caused it, but it would be great to get rid of it. Thank, Rick
  4. I've been using Sonar since the before times, and up to last year I never would have plunked down money for the full Kontakt, for the same reasons. Then... with the help of a friend, I discovered that there is a world of 3rd party instruments that ONLY the full Kontakt will play. Now that I discovered this, it's opened up a new world for me instruments wise.
  5. "Did you ever know that you're my hero And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wings" Bette Midler said it far better than I could ever say it. Thank you @Xoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I'd like to do something that I'm confident I was able to do way back in original sonar days, but don't know how to in Cakewalk Sonar or Cakewalk bandlab. 3 scenarios... scenario #3 is the head scratcher for me. 1. With sonar running, On a track, with the record buttons engaged and monitoring turned on I can happily hear my guitar playing live. Works! 2.On a track, with sonar sitting still and the track record button engaged and monitor engaged, I can happily hear my guitar playing live. Works! 3. With sonar running, On a track, with the record button NOT engaged and monitoring turned on I can no longer hear from guitar. The head scratching part is that as best I remember, years ago I could do #3. And without #3 if I want to practice a part, I have to do some "fake recordings" to hear myself. All advice welcome! Rick
  7. Ever since I started using Cakewalk Sonar over Freebee Bandlab, I've run into one issue on rare occasions. Perhaps I've been using the new Cakewalk for some 6 months. What I am about to describe has happened maybe 3 or 4 times in that 6 month period. Note that I am an avid user, and I am on Sonar mixing etc probably 5 days a week. What happens is this: After setting up track folders and using them with delight, all of a sudden and with no apparent reason, all the tracks move to a single track folder. In each instance, the issue was not observed while I was using the project, until I reopened it. Maybe I'm accidentally putting them in (if that is possible it would be nice to have a prompt that warns multiple tracks are about to be moved.) I would add that it is always an "all" affair - that is - never just a few or many tracks moved. They all are moved into a single track folder. Note that once the "transformation" is done, and saved, opening the project again does not fix it. It is locked in that position. When I open a file that has been so saved in bandlab cakewalk, it also opens with everything in the same track. Any thoughts?
  8. Oh that's terrible! Question: is this a fact or conjecture?
  9. I would like to thank those wizards in the sky who fixed the problem. I am whole again. Working perfectly this morning.
  10. Thanks for the, but no joy. In fact, in the last 2-3 days, I: 1. rebooted several times 2. Upgraded to win 11 3. Did the sign in attempts with two different browsers, Chrome and Firefox. During these tests I set the browser as a windows default. 4. Made sure my VPN was off None of the above had any impact. When I click to sign in (with my user/pw in place), I get the error reported in my original post. Don't think I changed any settings. Rick
  11. For the last few days, when I fire up Cakewalk sonar, I get a "signed out session" warning. When I go to sign in, it brings up this error: { "errorCode": 406, "message": "You've made too many requests. Please, try again later." } I don't know why it gave me this. Help. Rick
  12. I used to laugh when I ran my web dev company. You could always tell the ages of the graphic designers. Not by their styles and edgyness or lack thereof. Nope. Rather, by how hard it was for older users to use websites created by the young ones, who haven't experienced yet what happens to eyes as one ages. But they will. Then they will be typing posts like the one I'm typing now.
  13. Dumb dumb... dumb dumb dumb.... me! Thanks!!!!!! Works exactly that way.!!
  14. How do you raise or lower a track's volume curve without changing it horizontally?
  15. Capitalism But seriously, folks... welcome to the joys of subscription. A subscription is like fly paper. Pretty soon you realize you're stuck. You're not gonna give up the DAW, and you're gonna pay the yearly tribute ad-infinitum. The Bandlab overlords (love them as I do....) are on high above the clouds. They know that once you're on the paper, they got ya. Fancy to meet you on the fly paper we're both stuck on.
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