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  1. Basically try to update all your drivers (if it doesn't work try to reinstall the ones you already have). Them update your windows. Be sure that there's no virus in your computer. (as @Gswitz said) I had no virus in mine but it might cause alot of trouble other than audio latency. You can also try to close everything but your DAW and disable TEMPORARILY your antivirus and disconnect the internet. If your latencyMom is all green and you still have issues with audio. The problem (sadly) It's probably that your CPU can't handle what you're doing. If so, try to open a new project with only an audio track. If there is no audio problems in this case you'll probably need a better processor... I wish you luck ?
  2. I was having some similar problems with audio. Maybe it help you
  3. Max Arwood This really sounds like what is happening. But my buffer is already ate the maximum. How can I move more the latency down? And any clue why this didn't happened before for like almost one year and then suddenly it started? Edit: Ok, I downloaded it and been reading their page. Now I know What is the problem (I think I do) but not sure of how will I solve this... Edit2: Affter a LOT of research I'm finally getting to somewhere. there are there are SO MANY things that can cause this problem so I'll leave my results to help anyone who need it: -I downloaded the LatencyMon as Max Arwood suggests by the link: https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon I also read a lot of information at the site (other links below) https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon_power https://www.resplendence.com/latencymon_using - LatencyMon will indicate what your problems are only, there is a Native Access video where you can find more help of how to discover your problems and how to solve the most common ones. In the video description I found a link for a PDF with some driver solutions (I'll leave the link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnbfVFqkKOA https://www.native-instruments.com/fileadmin/knowledge/attachments/Driver_List.pdf Edit 3 (some quick updates information) - Basically try to update all your drivers (if it doesn't work try to reinstall the ones you already have). - Them update your windows. - Be sure that there's no virus in your computer. I had no virus in mine but it might cause alot of trouble other than audio latency. - You can also try to close everything but your DAW and disable TEMPORARILY your antivirus and disconnect the internet. If your latencyMom is all green and you still have issues with audio. The problem (sadly) It's probably that your CPU can't handle what you're doing. If so, try to open a new project with only an audio track. If there is no audio problems in this case you'll probably need a better processor... I could find the solution for most of my issues with this. Really thanks for every one who tried to help me.
  4. I am with a similar problem, almost the same, but in my case I just have 4traks with no effects, only 8bars and the audio cuts happen when I try to hear the loop. Unhappily I don't know how to solve it yet..
  5. This starts to happen in Cakewalk. But after the same thing happened in FL Studio. I didn't try to open other apps yet... But it seems to be something with the buffer or sample rate configuration cus when I change it the sound cuts also change. Like when I set the buffer shorter the sound cut becomes more frequent. And when I set the buffer longer the cuts become less frequent. But it don't stop.
  6. I'm not using demo plugins.. And it's happening even when it's only audio tracks with no plugins. Also when the audio cuts its randomly.
  7. When I try to hear the project I am working on the audio just disappear for some seconds from time to time. I know it's something with audio configuration but I can't fix it. And couldn't find anything about this problem out on the internet. Could anyone PLEASE help me out. I'm going crazy with this... I'm using ASIO4ALL.
  8. But sitila is just for drums and don't allow us to pitch stuff
  9. And if we just find people here in the community to make a sampler vst?
  10. We definitely need a good sampler in cakewalk!
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