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  1. Here are Baby Audio's freebies: https://babyaud.io/freebies
  2. I think the TDR Collector just might be my favorite installer. It's just so easy to use.
  3. Not interested, but curious how this works? 🤔
  4. 🤔 I’m not sure. I think I spent as soon as the $25 came in and was disappointed when another didn’t show up. Are you saying to wait before spending the $25? Back when UAD had human support, they said it was kind of “random” when the “thank you” coupons were given out…
  5. I can confirm. Only for All Access Pass apparently....
  6. Right. But I've stopped getting repeat $25 "thank you" no min spend coupons. Only one "thank you" seems to be the pattern, at least for me. Or, no "thank you"s if you buy with a "thank you"...
  7. @RSMcGuitar They only give you one $25 off $99 min spend coupons??
  8. That's it - thank you!
  9. @Kreveta Puket But how do you get your music data off the iPad and into a DAW?
  10. https://www.audiothing.net/blog/the-dolby-a-trick/
  11. I don't use GarageBand anymore either. But the trick was to get the files off the iPad in the first place. Does Audacity run on the iPad? I am really just curious, because there are some Devs that have iPad plugins. So I'm wondering who uses them and how?
  12. Well, the only difference with the MannyM bundle that I see is a resizeable UI and the newer preset browser. I originally bought them 7 years ago. (?) They were v10. It's arguable whether you should be charged for that "upgrade". I also WUPed Scheps Omni Channel a couple of years ago to get the "new" one for $12. Same updates there too. I wanted a bigger UI because my eyes are getting bad. 🙂
  13. IPad to Studio One on Windows. I managed years ago and it a royal pita. Iirc, I had to export the AU files to a Mac first, then convert them to a format Windows could handle before importing them to my DAW. Way too much trouble to do it again, but I liked the string part. I think it was just Garage Band on an iPad 1. 🙂 I am curious if things have changed since I first tried it. Like maybe Apple made it easier to get at the audio/midi files. 🤣
  14. I'm curious if anyone actually uses an iPad for music production, and if you do, how do you get your audio files into your DAW of choice?
  15. So that worked - uninstalling everything Waves then reinstalling just the WUPed few plugins I have. My MannyM and the Omni Channel plugins all showing up now. I'll see if there's anything I miss besides those...
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