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mibby last won the day on June 30 2024

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  1. …and how are you liking the Mk3?
  2. FYI, I just installed this last night. This is a stripped down Native version, like the LA-2A was/is and is a separate plugin from the ones in the collection.
  3. If you already own it, UAD gives you a 10% coupon in your cart.
  4. Focusrite either needs to stop making their hardware last or take care of their older customers. 😠
  5. Hmmm... I just checked again and it's not there. I have a 2i4 2nd generation.
  6. It's likely only for NEW Focusrite interfaces. From here: https://us.focusrite.com/software/hitmaker-expansion
  7. What companies do this? I'm reinstalling plugins as we speak and haven't gotten through all of my iLoks yet.
  8. Do it! I think I paid $140 sumthin' with Jam Points. Totally worth it to finish tuning your room.
  9. You don't "buy" the FREE pack. The price is to "upgrade" so you don't see the nag screen and can use multi-parameters and other features. It all on the website. Totally worth $20 bucks or so!
  10. Heads up, it's TR5. 😠 And PB has not responded to me pointing out that nowhere on the page does it say TR5. I have all of TR5...
  11. I don't know about this one, but others I use frequently are Black Rooster, Auditority, and Kush Audio. I just picked up the Arturia FX and am looking forward to trying out the preamp in there. I'm very curious about this one though! More flavors. 🙂
  12. Omni Channel was my first ever WUP last year. In my weakness, I also WUPed my MannyM bundle to get the new preset browser. No other updates to those that I can tell, but I still like 'em lots.
  13. Heads up. Fatso is not resizable. I picked it up a while ago and haven't gotten past not bieng able to see the UI. I know you're supposed to use you ears and all, but you've got to be able to see what you're doing! 🙄 Hopefully they'll port it to Native and fix that.
  14. I think you got spell checked. 😁 I really like the Auditority stuff too. Don't have that one though. I do have Pulsar's which is awesome. 👍
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