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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. got it and tried it out. sort of cool. it kept crashing my cubase when i added a second instance. i would up disabling asio protect and that seems to fix it. i slapped an instance on each track of a quick blues thing. its a cool freebie. i am not sure its doing what i was hoping it would do the tracks. i feel like i have other things in my collection that do the same thing. none the less. nice freebie.
  2. my new word of the day gonna me, "lets put some dirty on it!"
  3. what does it do exactly? do i need it? i am so confused. i just want to make country and rock and roll.
  4. cool and useful. thanks. i still dont get this product. i can't tell if its registered or not. when i loaded it, it prompted for an account and serial. i pastes the serial and never created an account on their site. it has not prompted since. but i can't tell for sure if its registered properly as there was no feedback from the GUI to confirm its been registered. very odd developer.
  5. yeah. it can come up with some interesting parts. to be honest, i find all of them a little over the top and have to tone them down to 10% of the notes. i still dont really dig the sound of the bass in EZBass. I just export the dry DI and run it through an IKM bass amp sim.
  6. Got it. Tried it. It's sort of cool. But I am not sure what it's purpose is.
  7. I gotta try reaper. Starting to really worry about cubase.
  8. For the most part, i think this dosn't really affect me as i have no plans to upgrade Cubase. But I guess an interesing development. Curious if other DAWs and software will follow in same path.
  9. I just dropped in to say, the IKM Hammond is the bee's knee's.
  10. I have no idea how it compares to AD.. but Modo is the bee's knees. :0)
  11. that looks cool. i still have my original Pod 2.0. who would have known back then it would become vintage. back when i got it i just got it cause it was a cheap & light solution to take to band practice. it worked out okay.
  12. great freebie. this one is permanently on my chain.
  13. I use cubase. I sometimes feel I wasted good money on other effects. The ones in the DAW seem to do just fine. But they don't give me the feeling like I am working on a Neve channel strip or Pultec .
  14. Yup. This!!! A software product that gets used almost everyday is a good value product.
  15. It's because of their highly sought after string libraries...
  16. thats the deal of the centry! (for the suckers out there.)
  17. i am waiting for a deal on Absolute. I didnt know about Halion 7. Thanks for the heads up. Though to be honest, I rarely use Halion. I am more interested in Groove Agent.
  18. hello, governor.. did you say "british"?
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