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telecode 101

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telecode 101 last won the day on August 3 2022

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  1. I have most of what’s in Max and I have zero upgrade eligibility. The penalty of buying group buys.
  2. I have a few waves I bought and most of rest is freebies. I never paid for WUP. I just keep using them as is.
  3. It doesn’t come with the orchestral stuff. But there are quite a few versatile Kontakt instruments in there. Ricky bass and some of those keys can be used for anything.
  4. Yup. I wish I had followed this path when I first started getting into ITB DAW. I have found that trimming down the plugins you have at your disposal improves productivity. Less options to tinker with and more time really focusing on and learning how to use well the plugin you have and what it can do.
  5. Well well… look who is after my money again?
  6. They always selling those old versions. Does it pay off for upgrade?
  7. Oh boy.. no.. I am a drum addict. Is this best price it has ever been? I fuggin love beat machines. It’s between this and that new NI expansion that came out now… where does one get that voucher from? Do you need a high priced UVI product to get those? I think I have Synsations in my account.
  8. Anyone have any opinions on which of these sounds best for jazz, rock r&b? I use a lot of Modo these days. But was eyeing the EZB expansions.
  9. I have no idea. But I like using WA stuff in Maschine . It’s lite weight. And generates results.
  10. Huh… crowded market even more crowded. Maybe a good thing
  11. Are UA muscling in on smaller companies? I don’t ever remember UA plugins being this affordable.
  12. I don’t own anything from them. But I read some of my fav composers use some of their products. They never reveal exactly which one.
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