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  1. Get The Eighty at the special launch price of just 89€ (regular price: 179€). This offer is available from Tuesday, January 14, 2025, through Friday, January 31, 2025. https://www.xils-lab.com/store/theeighty/
  2. 40% discount used to be on anniversary sales, but not in this year. It was only 30%.
  3. 25% discount on all plug-ins, bundles and in your account until December 2! https://www.fabfilter.com/shop
  4. $32.76 with code GROUP https://www.jrrshop.com/cherry-audio-ps-3300
  5. I could imagine a form of payment where the main version has to be bought for not too much, and that means a product that can be used indefinitely, with 5-8 years of support until the next major version is released.
  6. I performed the migration of my WaveLab Elements 11 to the new licensing system, according to the video released. The Activation Manager, the Download Assistant and the Library Manager had to be installed right away. After I finished installing the WaveLab Elements version 11.2 in the new licensing system, I deleted the old eLicenser Control Center from my computer. But as soon as I started the Activation Manager again, it reinstalled the eLicenser Control Center to me. So now I have four icons for maintain my only one Steinberg software.
  7. This is disappointing. I'm afraid I'll have to wait for the next anniversary sale.
  8. Anniversary sale 30% discount on all plug-ins, bundles and in your account until May 1.
  9. The LA-2A Leveller Collection - Upgrade Bundle from FREE LA-2A is $34.82 in Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/11415-LA-2A-Leveller-Collection-Upgrade-Bundle-from-FREE-LA-2A
  10. Now I bought smart: bundle, and I found all the plugin opened in the window have much more processor load at my processor having built-in Intel UHD graphics, than FabFilter plugins.
  11. I like Valhalla's updates, cause they are actually upgrades, providing new delay or reverb algorithms in the plug-ins. https://valhalladsp.com/2022/10/21/the-more-you-know-valhalla-modes-algorithms/
  12. The comma and minus sign problem, after the last update still exists.
  13. One more problem. The minus sign "-" is not accepted on the numeric pad part of the keyboard. I use a Hungarian keyboard layout.
  14. Fabfilter plugins accept comma, but the cakewalk system (the mixer volume value, the automation curve dots value, for example) accepts only the dot to me. I didn't find settings for this in CW.
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