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ilir bajri

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Everything posted by ilir bajri

  1. CREATOOLS | KEYS a free & opensource virtual instrument Acoustic, electric, electronic and digital keyboard samplemaps packed in an instrument with enough tools to allow you to freely edit, combine, modulate and mix them in creative and original ways. Designed to help you synthesize your own original authentic sounds, configure and control them easily with your MIDI controller, use compression, saturation and convolution resonance to shape them to your taste and needs. Add reverb and delay for more depth, and use global filter to cut or emphasize acoustic aspects of your sound. Editor page provides access to advanced editing and modelling tools for any samplemap that is loaded onto any of the three elements of the instrument. Each element has samplestart control and modulation, pitch transpose and shift, voice doubling and velocity controlled detune intensity, advanced gain and filter envelopes with velocity decay modulation, 9 types of filtering and velocity frequency modulation. There are 4 LFO generators and two randomize generators, per element cumulative modulation routing, MIDI control panel for setting ranges and modes for MIDI learned controllers. There are over 120 factory presets covering different categories and styles of keyboard instruments, easy search and favorite presets browser system, export and import presets and banks. more info and download links at: https://musictop69.wixsite.com/creatools/keys
  2. Hi everyone. Very happy to announce this release. Creatools Piano XS A successor of ORCHESTOOLS | PIANO S, now featuring: 2 acoustic grand piano models, more balanced and reprocessed samples, convolution string resonance, piano pedal sounds, over 80 factory presets, and a new user interface design. Opensource and free. for more info and links visit: https://musictop69.wixsite.com/creatools
  3. Thank you Erik. Glad you find them useful and hope they bring you pleasure and joy! I plan to update them this year so suggestions, requests and such are most welcome. best,
  4. New Day | Sketchbook II sketchbook II is a serie of music pieces made to showcase sounds and possibilities of ORCHESTOOLS | SECTIONS - Free Public Orchestra open source virtual instruments (musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools)
  5. Hi Jose Thank you for kind words, glad you like orchestools. In terms of using articulations you can use both, you can, of course, create separate instances of the instrument and load specific articulations presets on them or use the layers inside a single instance of the instrument, load the desired articulation samplemap, edit the parameters to your taste and set different MIDI ch. for each of the layers which then you can than control utilizing articulations control from Cakewalk, or controller MIDI channel switch or some other way that utilizes MIDI channels. There are few factory presets that explore this possibility, inside the MULTIS&COMBIS group there are 5 presets that start with MIDI (MIDI BASS ARTICULATIONS, MIDI TUTTI ARTICULATIONS etc.) that demonstrate this feature. On these presets Layer 1 has a MIDI ch. set to 1, Layer 2 to MIDI ch. 2, and so on... (MIDI channel is set on "MIDI&KEYRANGE" subpanel of the layer UI). By changing the MIDI channel on a controller (or DAW clip/articulation) you jump through layers which have each a specific articulation samplemap loaded with other edited parameters as well. In this way you can save, load, customize and create your own setups that specifically suit your project. Example: You can open four instances of ORCHESTOOLS | STRINGS and on each of them have 4 types of articulations of the instrument group - 4 violins articulations, 4 viola art.... and so on! Or, you can load 4 different tutti articulations samplemaps on a single instrument instance. Or combine the two and create new and unique orchestral textures... Hope this helps a bit! Regards. Ilir
  6. You need to download Samples as well. When you download the VST archive - inside it there is a readme file that explains the installation procedure. In any case if you have any problems or need help you can write here or at orchestools forum on the page. (https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools)
  7. ORCHESTOOL | SECTIONS completed Happy to announce the release of the last of four instruments of the ORCHESTOOLS | SECTIONS - Free Public Orchestra series. The instrument covering percussions ORCHESTOOLS | PERC is released (go to orchestools website page for download links). Spent more than a year in developing and working on this project. Next few months i will work mainly in making tutorial/instructional videos and few demonstrational ones as well. In general i am happy with the result and already instruments have been downloaded (over 2000 downloads total) and reactions, suggestions and ideas are coming in. Already there are talks/plans for ORCHESTOOL | SECTIONS 1.5 version - wich will instroduce more samples, more articulations, more presets and improved funcionalities of the engine. So, ORCHESTOOLS | STRINGS, ORCHESTOOLS | BRASS, ORCHESTOOLS | WINDS and ORCHESTOOLS | PERC are now available for you to download and play with. Hope you like them and find them useful in your work and projects. Would be great, and i would appreciate it very much, if you send results of your work, link of audios and videos. Also, I would appreciate very much your opinions, ideas, criticism about this project. For music and ❤️ (*instruments available as VST3 plugins for 64bit Windows, also as sourcefiles to build them in other OS)
  8. Hi Peter. Can the ST4 Editor be purchased seperately?
  9. ORCHESTOOLS ONE for Sampletank 4 Orchestools One update for sampletank 4. Same sounds, presets and multis now available on the new IK Multimedia flagship sampler. for download go to - http://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools/orchestools
  10. ORCHESTOOLS ONE S4 for Sampletank 4 Orchestools One update for sampletank 4. Same sounds, presets and multis now available on the new IK Multimedia flagship sampler. go to https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools/orchestools (scroll down to orchestools one for ST4 section)
  11. ORCHESTOOLS ONE S4 for Sampletank 4 Orchestools One update for sampletank 4. Same sounds, presets and multis now available on the new IK Multimedia flagship sampler. go to https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools/orchestools (scroll down to orchestools one for ST4 section)
  12. ORCHESTOOLS | PIANO SA working piano... Decent sounding digital piano that is easy to use and easy to set up. Light on your system & fast loading Standalone and VST3 plugin versions. Ideal tool for work and practice. https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools
  13. ORCHESTOOLS | WINDS - the third instruments of the ORCHESTOOLS | SECTIONS - Free Public Orchestra Project is released. For download links go to orchestools website and scroll down to orchestools winds sections and download vst3plugin and samples archive. You can also download source files for HISE platform in case you like to compile the instrument yourself. Free and Opensource, for music and ❤️
  14. ORCHESTOOLS | BRASS released Get your download links at https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools/orchestools-two #orchestools #vst3 #orchestral #plugin #musicproduction #opensource #vst
  15. ORCHESTOOLS | GENESYN 2 The second version of the additive synth is ready. Features a new and reworked UI, more modulators, better FX handling, a 32 step arpeggiator, more than 100 presets in the library and more. If you can't wait until the Genesyn 2 page and a quick user guide are finished you can download it from here and give it a try. download: rar archive file installation: just put the plugin on your VST3 plugins folder
  16. working together... Orchestools Strings and Orchestools Brass on Cakewalk Bandlab. more about these instruments at https://musictop69.wixsite.com/orchestools/orchestools-two
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