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Frederick Holmes

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Everything posted by Frederick Holmes

  1. HI All, Thanks for giving a listen to some of the songs. As SPAK says, Music is one of the ways of saying things you can't say otherwise. For me it has also been a way to look internally at my own model of the world I've created. Some of the songs I had to stop and try over again and again as the emotional impact was too strong. To Jesse Screed: Robert Falcon Scott was an early hero of mine. In a recording of Vaughan Williams' Sym #7 Symphonia Antarctica (written for the film "Scott of the Antarctic") the was a spoken quote from Percy Bysshe Shelley's Prometheus Unbound “To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy Power, which seems omnipotent; ... Neither to change, not falter, nor repent; This, ..., is to be Good, great and joyous,beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire, and Victory” Create-create and say what's in your heart Fred I just uploaded the last two songs Flight of the Eagle and Heaven in a wildflower
  2. Swan song-14 years/10 CDs/140+ songs In late 2017 I finished my last music making journey and began moving on to other activities. Now past 80 I decided to convert all the songs to videos and put them on You Tube as my musical legacy All 10 CDs were produced strictly for friends and family and none have had any public airing. There are still a few songs yet to be uploaded- probably in the next few weeks. They are all in the Folk song/ballad tradition, produced with Cakewalk/Sonar in its various versions and various sample software. I've always loved the sad/melancholic folk songs so be prepared... They can be found on You Tube Search You tube for "Fred's Ballads and Folk Songs" or direct link at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzkc0I-LmtQb5QB4stOY24Q ------------------- There are 2 CDs that have a discernible"theme" I Have A Rendevzous (CD# 5) songs about war and Filk Songs (CD# # 9) Songs in the Science Fiction tradition ---------------------- There are two long compilations Shropshire Lad 13:28 (From CD# 4) A compilation of poems by A.E. Housman and UK Folk Songs at https://youtu.be/bJ6NI7ZSjhM and Miner's Tribute 18:09 (From CD# 3) A compilation of hymns and songs to honor the work of the miners at https://youtu.be/dNQB6A6wCbo ------------------------------ The Complete CD playlist: 1 Better late than never https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPDmAgPoifLaoL7vufn9hz5R 2 Old & New-Borrowed & Blue https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPDBcBAiQd-FwJOsU6n7nts9 3 Now Look What You've Done https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPC897247vRrqGG-5dwIOQaE 4 A Very Long Farewell https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPCcJIGaxWmc_r0JsKz_TVO6 5 I Have A Rendevzous https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPDITRqtVe2hNjlhT1qn48b6 6 And Another Thing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPDaSIm7IQCpE0GvGgilNdkx 7 And Yet Again https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPAxGpNbt2jSz2XiY5Wnf1Ov 8 Not Another One https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPBGfAEBjlftSk7q22DeM7LB 9 Filk Songs https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPAflNL-laTXalO2P93oeWbN 10 Enough Already https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLIlD2jS6mPCa3BWc6pzVJEEvsJYr2L_z Quotes about music: "He had never heard such music as this, never dreamt such music was possible. He was conscious, while it lasted, that he saw deeper into the beauty, the sadness of things, the very heart of them, and their evanescence, as with a new inner eye—even into eternity itself, beyond the veil." George Du Mauier Trilby, 1894 The more we know of music and the more we live with it, the more elusive and mysterious it becomes, always changing, capable of a thousand indescribable moods, a strange and somewhat mystical power in our lives, a fascination, a challenge, a craft, a language, a house of cards,...the echo from an invisible world. Leslie Basset Edition Peters Contemporary Music 1975 My best wishes to all of you, Fred
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