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Everything posted by kyrillos

  1. Good day everyone, I found some softwares online that helps making arrangements and accompaniments, actually they does it automatically, is there some option like that in cakewalk or some third party plugin, or buying the software and export the result as midi file is the best option? thanks a lot
  2. kyrillos


    Exactly i am so exited
  3. kyrillos


    ? 0,50 worked like charm. thank you so much ?
  4. kyrillos


    yes i was waiting two weeks to get it for free
  5. kyrillos


    yes i did that the above track has no Es and the underneath has only E
  6. kyrillos


    done . i highlighted E copied it then deleted everything back and past it at the correct position
  7. kyrillos


    thnaks for being patient
  8. kyrillos


    i am trying i just cant find Events
  9. kyrillos


    where is Event situated?
  10. kyrillos


    i am trying to do but nothing yet. all i have is a midi file that was exported from musescore
  11. kyrillos


    @Promidi Thanks for your reply. is there any toturial you recommend i could view and follow because i followed the steps but still i cant video makes it easier
  12. kyrillos


    and in this video the DAW does the scales not the plugin
  13. kyrillos


    is there something like that in cakewalk guys?
  14. kyrillos


    Thanks Everybody for trying to help. i tried every tips u guys give even with sforzando i tried over and over the system crashes with out and error code. i saw many tutorials in other daws where they just bent one note and it seems like i cant to it here i am kind of giving up
  15. kyrillos


    the plugins listed are not orchestral instruments
  16. kyrillos


    is it Kontakt of native instrument? like kontakt 6 now? because i dont have it shall i download it or buy or what is the idea?
  17. kyrillos


    i write it in musescore because its easier in writing notes. its been like 9 hours trying to understand the pitch bend and how to do it. any tutorial something simple to read and understand it
  18. kyrillos


    yes they remain the same only E should be transposed
  19. kyrillos


    yes the remain the same only one note to be transposed
  20. kyrillos


    listen to this music close enough to what i want to hear from cake walk. it just has B flat and B min quart in lower octaves. arabic stuff but the idea is the same of changing the scale
  21. kyrillos


    Yes exactly. just play E quarter tone less than the normal E. the music has all E's in three quart. how can i get E transposed to E minus quart
  22. kyrillos


    Orintal scales has many quarter tone and midi file cannot recognize it
  23. kyrillos


    i already exported the scales i need from scala but i cant put it to cakewalk unless its supported synthesizer. the vst plugins i am using work with spitfire audio i mean while i am googling i saw some daws u can just transpose E to -50 no matter what plugins ur using
  24. kyrillos


    Helllo Again i think i didnt explain what i need exactly . what i need from cakewalk is the orchestral sound which i use vst plugins for the supported synthesizers dose not have the sound i need. to make it easy for me. i just want to know i am working with BBC orchestra plug ins can i make it play oriental scales via cakewalk? thats what i want to know
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