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Frank D. Baere

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  1. Hi, Are the administrators of Bandlab "the cloud platform" realizing that there is very little space to write comments in the description box regarding the song we are posting? Our comments can only contain 250 characters and that is very little! Is there any perspective that this could be upgraded to e.g. 2500 characters? Thanks for listening. Frank
  2. Notion is now fully integrated in Studio One. You can compose in Notion and send the whole score in one click to Studio One. I understand that this is more difficult with Cakewalk because the program is free.
  3. Yes, that is a way, but it is so handy after you hit export the folder pops up with the wave file. In Studio One it works like that. it's not a big deal, but a human is lazy by nature!??
  4. For now I use Presonus Notion 6 and connect it to Cakewalk with Rewire. So I can work on my piano roll and follow the music position on my score in Notion.
  5. Hi, Will the "Staff View" be further developed? I suppose a lot of people use Midi in Cakewalk and it would be great if we could also work with musical notation in Cakewalk. Importing Music xml would be nice. Presonus has integrated a music notation program into their DAW and it's great. I also have Studio One but I don't like to work in it! For some reason I keep coming back to Cakewalk. CbB is simply a wonderful and easy to use program.? Frank
  6. Hi, When exporting a mix to a folder, it would be useful for this folder to open automatically after the export. That would be handy. Frank
  7. Hi, Is this normal? it was suddenly on my screen without starting the program Frank
  8. I Use Chris Hein Solo Strings. You can do almost every thing wit that library. See this link, This is a reproduction of a live performance by Naomi Binder with the samples made by Przemyslaw Kopczyk. Originality the are made in Cubase, but I do The same in Cakewalk!
  9. This tutorial was rely helpful. I tried it out as far as I succeeded in this score. Talisman.mp4
  10. Hi, This is a minor question. I like the start screen a lot and use it all the time. It should be very practical if there is a possibility to remove the thumnails I do not work on at a moment but we can not do that. I know the go away if I move or rename my Project Folder but I don't like to mess with my folders. https://screenrec.com/share/VMHnkDbhsO Just an idea. Thanks Frank
  11. Read this article. https://newatlas.com/bandlab-online-collaboration-daw-update/56776/
  12. the application continued to work, I was able to save everything and close Cakewalk, only the menu will not disappear. It just sticks to the screen, doesn't work any more and doesn't want to disappear. I can't let it happen on command. If it happens again I will check with the task manager to see if Cakewalk is really closed.
  13. Hi, I been using EA3 for a few days now and I do a lot of Midi work whit the articulation Map. For the second time now I have a Crash while inserting a articulation. The sub menu keeps hanging, even when I close Cakewalk it keeps standing on my Desk page. The only thing I can do to get it away is to reboot my PC. Frank
  14. I now also use the arrager track. It looks it will be supported in the future? Thanks
  15. Hi, It would be nice if there was a possibility to color the markers on the Time Ruler. Frank
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