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  1. Thanx Teegarden, you really nailed it as I had found comparisons but not geared towards Cakewalk. I'm trying out Simple Stems now (early Xmas present. My wife would have no clue what this sort of thing is to give me for Xmas). Is there a program that can separate vocal harmonies? That's what I really want to do. All of them I've tried so far seem to isolate the lead vocal very well but I don't think any separate harmonies.
  2. I'll answer my question myself. Came across RipXDeepAudio and it works as a Region FX and can creat nice sounding stems within minutes and groups them in a folder within My Documents. They are labelled, drums, bass, vocal, and other. Very nice but the cost is around $350 I think. Is there a cheaper alternative that can do what RipX does?
  3. I'm wanting to create stems from some pro recordings but there seem to be lots of confusing options. I own Izotope 9x Pro but it seems a little too complicated. Is there a better alternative that can be used as a plugin?
  4. Installed th latest 2022.06 tody then tried to duplicate a few tracks and all it did was create a new empty track. so yes it creats a new track with the same nam as the source track but there is no audio in the lane. Bug?
  5. I'm considering trying a touch-screen monitor for my second screen to view and adjust the mixer just like a real mixer. Has anybody done this? What model are you using, any problems or other concerns? Thanx, Frederick FYI Win10 Pro, Quadro 4000 video card
  6. In the Arranger track, is there a way to disconnect text boxes from the underlying tracks so that I can just slide them around as needed without moving the track contents? YES THERE IS!! Just highlight the box a few times until you don't see the underlying shadow extending down onto all of the tracks below. At this point, one is free to move the text box as needed by itself.
  7. Thanx, the Arrangement track seems to work although I can't do the typical copy and Paste (ctrl V). It lets me copy but "paste" is greyed out. But I can do "duplicate" which is good enough and I can color-code each chord which is very helpful.
  8. I should sing more of an "ahh" sound for both the "III" and "EEE" sounds. That should help a lot.
  9. I think there is a way to add text/chords etc. to the track heads, correct? How do you do it? I would like to place the chords there. Thanx, Frederick
  10. I've got lots of compressors/limiters but notice they don't do much to tame annoyingly loud/shrill, long "IIIII" and "EEEEEE" vocal sounds. Anybody have any ideas how to smoothly tame these sounds. I've tried reducing the gain but even that doesn't do much. Those sounds really leak through and dominate too much. Thanx, Frederick
  11. Waves CLA (Chris Lord-Alga) has several guitar/bass plug-ins that sound good, are cheap and very easy to use. Worth a trial.
  12. It's been working well for the last few months so I endorse it now. I have current versions of both Melodyne and Revoice Pro and that's a nice tandem. Also I love the new Waves Tune that finally has a scalable window and is the only vocal plug-in I know of that can create a nice sounding vibrato. If you have those 3 plug-ins, I think that's about all you need for vocal tweaking.
  13. UPDATE: It didn't go well and I safely deleted my CW files in the Cloud, but don't have anything good to say about OneDrive. I actually was in a chat with a chat person from MS who took me by the hand and helped me set it up but this chat expert didn't realize my smallish "C" drive would be utilized and filled with files during the upload and made my whole computer unstable, a total mess. All I wanted to do was copy and sync my "D" drive CW Projects folder on the cloud. My "D" drive is a separate 8 TB magnetic drive but for some reason, which I think is a default setting, the OneDrive software is designed to work with your "C" drive and it just filled up the 80 GB I had open (my "C" drive is a Samsung 500 GB M.2 style). After it totally filled up my "C" drive I kept getting error messages that I didn't have any storage space. Hunh? How could that be as I was preparing to buy 6 TB of storage? Anyway I was able to "unlink" my computer, then delete everything in the cloud without it also deleting everything on my "D", and maybe "C" drive. Then cancelled my 30 day free trial on the 28th day. Once I deleted everything, including the CW Project files and every link with the word "OneDrive lurking around my computer, my "C" drive got back about 100 GB of free-space (I think I had about 20 GB in my trash folder that I also deleted). Now my whole computer is working very well again and I'll continue to back-up my files with on-site external HD's. OneDrive seems geared to light users with small files on a one hard-drive computer, like students, etc.
  14. I use export to produce the end product MP3 song that I can put on my phone, send to friends or upload to Napster.?
  15. Assuming you don't have any tempo changes, first highlight the track with the voice-over and hit delete. Then select All of the tracks by using your keyboard and hitting CTRL+A simultaneously, you should see all of the tracks highlighted, then using your mouse simply go to any of the tracks (they should all be lit up) and click on it and hold the left mouse button down, and drag all of the tracks to the left and when you get them all to the left, let go of the left button on the mouse and they will now all be at the beginning. Very simple. It sounds like maybe you don't know how to select tracks?
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