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Everything posted by billp

  1. Yes it runs to completion. I've scanned the log. Aside from a few plugs that are old and fail, most 90+ are successful. Here's a typical result for one plug. Others look similar: LogFile: C:\Users\Bill Pearson\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Logs\VstScanSandbox.log Saturday, 13 Jun 2020, 09:50:03 Opened Log File ----------------------------- Command line: /VSTRegPerUser/VSTRegKey:"Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64"/Background/SONARHWND:9376626/ScanVst:"c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt 4\vstplugins 64 bit\Kontakt 4.dll"/ToastGuid:{475EDB57-E691-4165-AD5F-01461C97798E} Flag: VSTRegPerUser Flag: VSTRegKey:"Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64" Flag: Background Flag: SONARHWND:9376626 Flag: ScanVst:"c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt 4\vstplugins 64 bit\Kontakt 4.dll" VST to scan - c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt 4\vstplugins 64 bit\Kontakt 4.dll Flag: ToastGuid:{475EDB57-E691-4165-AD5F-01461C97798E} VSTSCAN: ******* Analyzing VST plugins... VSTSCAN: ---- 1: c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt 4\vstplugins 64 bit\Kontakt 4.dll ---- VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] c:\PROGRA~1\NATIVE~1\KONTAK~1\VSTPLU~2\KONTAK~3.DLL VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/native instruments/kontakt 4/vstplugins 64 bit/Kontakt 4.dll VSTSCAN: ---- Loading VST plugin c:\program files\native instruments\kontakt 4\vstplugins 64 bit\Kontakt 4.dll ---- VSTSCAN: DLL loaded successfully... VSTSCAN: Successfully got entry point. DLL is a VST plugin... VSTSCAN: Calling entry point... VSTSCAN: Created plugin instance... VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effVendorSpecific=50(effVendorSpecific), 1130457957, 000000007FFF0003, 0000000000146DBC, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetPlugCategory=35(effGetPlugCategory), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000002 VSTSCAN: Checking Plugin properties... VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effOpen=0(effOpen), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetProgram=3(effGetProgram), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effCanDo=51(effCanDo), 0, 0000000000000000, 00000001400484A0, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetPlugCategory=35(effGetPlugCategory), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000002 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effSetSampleRate=10(effSetSampleRate), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 44100.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effSetBlockSize=11(effSetBlockSize), 0, 0000000000000200, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effCanDo=51(effCanDo), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000140045538, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetVendorString=47(effGetVendorString), 0, 0000000000000000, 00000000001494D0, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetEffectName=45(effGetEffectName), 0, 0000000000000000, 00000000001498D0, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effGetProductString=48(effGetProductString), 0, 0000000000000000, 00000000001490D0, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effCanDo=51(effCanDo), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000140045508, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effVendorSpecific=50(effVendorSpecific), 1936999233, 0000000046554944, 0000000000148FB0, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000000 VSTSCAN: > dispatcher( effClose=1(effClose), 0, 0000000000000000, 0000000000000000, 0.000000 ) VSTSCAN: < dispatcher = 0000000000000001 VSTSCAN: Finished checking plugin properties... VSTSCAN: Unloading VST dll... VSTSCAN: VST plugin successfully scanned VSTSCAN: WRITE VST DATA... VSTSCAN: WRITE VST DATA - successfully wrote complete VST plugin inventory record... VSTSCAN: Finished analyzing VST plugins - 1 of 1 VST plugins were scanned in this run Closing log file Saturday, 13 Jun 2020, 09:50:03
  2. I had tried a reset. Just tried it again. No change. Only DXis showing. Is there a file that contains or points to a menu?
  3. Thank you both for the quick replies. Only the DXi plugs are found when I select sort by type, manufacturer, etc., which I never use. The VST scan finds all of the VSTs (2 and 3) according to the VST scan log. When I open an existing project, it no longer sees any of the VSTs, reports them as missing.
  4. Just for starters, I'm a veteran CW user from early days and have recently switch to CBB, which been happily using until this morning. As of this morning, I no longer see any synths or plugins in the pop-up menu. I've run the VST scan multiple times, tried resetting and rerunning the scan, but no luck. None of my existing projects find any plugins at all now. Anyone have a suggestion? Many thanks.
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