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Carlos Iglesias

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  1. It is inexplicable how you can fall into the same mistake that happened to Gibson. But well, they will know.
  2. It's funny how man, in this case Sonar or Cakewalk can stumble on the same stone twice. They come back with a model that almost sunk them, but they will know, it is their company. I'm not going to pay for subscriptions, let those who like that business model enjoy it.
  3. Thanks for the serial number, I am testing it.
  4. Gibson sank Cakewalk and Fender will do the same with Studio One.
  5. No poisoned gift. You are right it is royalty free.
  6. It is tempting the offer and more coming from the komplete version I have which is 12, but I will wait for komplete 15.
  7. They force you to buy another one. In this world nothing is given away for free.
  8. Steinberg gives us this piano for Halion and it's free. Merry Christmas. Taped Vibes
  9. Christmas gift from Native, Glaze play series. Enjoy ? Glaze
  10. New product from the Swedes with an introductory offer. Xln Life
  11. I don't ask them to give away their products, but at least they don't laugh at consumers. They've had these prices before Black Friday.
  12. Another subscription, boring.
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