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Everything posted by Ozz

  1. My current "music machine" is one I built roughly a decade ago (with a few updates here and there)....an i7 quad-core Haswell, 32GB RAM, 500GB SSD for OS/software, 1TB SSD for samples and a couple 2TB platter drives for storage....video card is a GTX 560Ti that I upgraded out of my gaming/video editing machine, years ago... I recently purchased Izotopes Ozone 11 Advanced as well as their music production suite 6.5.....and it definitely shows the age of my CPU. So, I was originally thinking on a i9-14900K, or i7-14700K....but then all the news came out regarding the issues with what they are now saying are nearly all models of 14th AND 13th gen cpus...and even though there's a "fix", I'm still a little shy on those now. I noticed I could get a pretty good deal on an i9-12900K...(and of course, add the MOBO, RAM, NVME SSD's, etc).....but, in the past, I typically tried to get the newest and highest I could afford, in order to "future proof" myself as much as possible, in the fast moving tech world. Going backwards nearly 3 generations has me wondering a bit....but, the specs on the 12900K are still pretty impressive...and obviously far beyond what I currently have.....will it be viable for another 5-10 years? (Since, unlike AMD, Intel seems to change their socket like I change my socks....at least once every couple years) And the price for the 12900K is actually pretty nice right now... (comparatively)
  2. I've got a whole box of the magazines from the 70's and early 80's and a ton of the paperback books.....used to love Don Martin....and Spy vs Spy
  3. Well...when you're right, you're right......I opted for Komplete 14 Standard, and glad I did....With all the extra libraries, expansions and additional synths, etc....it was certainly worth the extra $50 from just buying the new Kontakt, even if I don't ever end up using half of them...so thanks to those who recommended it. I also ended up picking up the Izotope Music Production Suite 6.5 for a really good deal. And the Session Percussionist, also from NI So.....for what ended up being a little less than $400, I've got enough new toys to last me quite a while.
  4. Thanks guys.....I'll take a closer look at the Komplete bundle....I've watched a number of Youtube video "reviews"....and all of them seem to play the same type of music....so I guess I assumed that the "Standard" was catering primarily to that group. Thanks again!
  5. I own Komplete 7 .... Apparently the only upgrade option I have is for Komplete 14 Standard.... which seems (correct me if I'm mistaken) mostly aimed at pop/hip hop and that type of music....which isn't really me......If there was an option for Komplete 14 Ultimate, I might swing that way....but it doesn't appear there is. So...Komplete 7 included the full version of Kontakt 4. I see Kontakt 7 is available for around $47 during the sale as an upgrade..... My question is two fold: 1) Would I be eligible for that, even though my version of Kontakt (which IS the full version) came in a bundle with Komplete? 2) Would it be worth it? Has the Kontakt library that comes with the software been updated enough with new stuff/better stuff to make it worth the $50ish bucks? Or is it basically all the same stuff I have in the library already, but I can now play newer separately sold libraries (where I wouldn't be able to with Kontakt 4)?
  6. I believe I finally got it....lol....Many thanks for your assistance Promidi....there were a couple of your steps I thought I had done (kind of by default), but didn't realize there was actually a place you had to click the setting. Had a couple of glitches afterwards...where it said I didn't have enough memory to use the pedal as an input....and even froze the program a couple times....but with a few changes, I think (hope) I've got it under control now. I never would have figured it out on my own......thanks again
  7. This is driving me nuts....it works fine with the standalone, but I'm not doing something correctly within Cakewalk.....In addition to what Promidi suggested, I must be missing a step/setting somewhere (or I'm not doing what he suggested exactly right......what kills me is that it's probably a really easy thing to do...but.....full disclosure...I've never been accused of being the brightest bulb in the fixture.....)
  8. Thanks for the detailed suggestion.....I tried it....unfortunately, no dice....but.....I'll give it another try tomorrow when I'm "fresh"..lol.......the thing works fine with the standalone version of Amp5. 5.....a couple of simple settings changes.... At least I know it WILL work...and it works for you...so it's just a matter of setting it up right (I should have just hooked up my actual wah pedal to my interface....lol....but they give you so many wah models in Amp 5, I just had to try)
  9. Purchased a USB Expression pedal....have never used an expression pedal of any kind before.....essentially got it to use with Amplitube 5 Max (Wah, Whammy, etc).....Getting it to work with the standalone version of Amp5 was pretty straight forward.... However, I'm not sure how to get it to work within the DAW.....and essentially, that's where I really need it to work.... I went in to Edit-> Preferences and played around with the MIDI inputs and outputs....but that doesn't do anything... Had anyone, by chance, set up a USB expression pedal in Cakewalk? (If it matters, it's a Crumar UP4) I know it works, as I had said, it works fine in standalone. Thanks for any suggestions/assistance.
  10. Thanks for the responses......Glenn Stanton, YOU, sir, are a life saver! ? Percussive Pitched mode seems to be exactly what the Dr ordered!
  11. I recently upgraded from Melodyne Studio 4 to Studio 5, and found an issue that I'm hoping there's a setting for that I just haven't found. I was doing a GnR cover recently, and the "high, gritty" vocal style seems to mostly ALL show up as sibilants for me.....And unfortunately, that means I can't adjust the pitch on any but a very few notes/blobs. I was able to find some settings where you can turn the visibility of sibilants off (in other words, they just look like normal blobs rather than having the vertical lines through them), but they are still internally tagged as sibilants, and so the pitch still isn't adjustable. Does anyone know if there is a way to actually turn off the sibilant detection off so that it's possible to treat everything as a normal note and adjust them?
  12. Thanks Gswitz, I've tried several browsers, disabled all plugins, cleared history/cookies/cache and nothing has helped. It's odd because that is the ONLY site I have any issue with. Ran virus and malware scans...nada And the fact it's doing it on two different computers.....that made me think it could be my ISP or something....but....I've asked a couple other people locally, and nope....I'm the only one with issues. (I also reset my router and rebooted my modem...nothing) So...something got screwed up on my end....on 2 computers....my phone browser seems to be ok with it. I remoted in to my work computer and the site works fine from there. I'll figure it out at some point.
  13. Hey all, For some time now (I'd say at least a couple weeks that I've really noticed it...perhaps even longer)I've been having weird issues on the Sweetwater website. Pages not loading correctly or completely, network protocol errors, and various other oddities. Originally, I thought it might just be some of my network settings....but it's the only site I have issues with, and my settings are all pretty standard. Has anyone else noticed this? It's become a real hassle trying to bounce around inside their site. Thanks for any enlightenment.
  14. Thanks for the responses, guys....much appreciated.....I had seen the manual section that you mentioned, ReginaldStJohn, but looked over it again. And Scook....thanks, as always, for your help, as well. Still having the issue.....but....I'm going over all my settings to make sure I don't have something "screwed up" on my end.
  15. I'm working on a project with a friend, and was having a lot of stuttering/glitching, so decided to freeze many of the tracks in hopes of freeing up resources. Then, afterward, realized that freezing the tracks, of course, disables the effects bin....no biggie...I kind of figured this, but thought that the bus the tracks were assigned to might be still able to utilize eq and other effects on a more "semi-global" level (nope....which is probably logical). However, after unfreezing those tracks, I'm still unable to utilize any eq, or other effects either on the track itself, or the bus....... I tried saving the project and restarting cakewalk, and even rebooting....but the unfrozen tracks still seem to be unable to utilize any effects/eq.... Am I simply skipping a step? Or has anyone else ever had/seen this issue before? I've tried it on numerous frozen/unfrozen tracks with several different effects....both first and third party....with the same result. Thanks for any assistance!
  16. This is just a small issue...but one I'd like to resolve, if possible. This has been going on (I think) since the April update... I use dual monitors, and when I begin a project, I undock the console view window and keep that in the left monitor. In the past, once I did that, I could shut down and return to the project, and upon opening, everything would be as I left it (everything undocked the way I wanted it) Starting (I believe) in the April update, I have to perform the undocking sequence every time I use the program. Has anyone else noticed this, and is there a quick way to resolve it? I took a quick look through the settings, and if it's there, I missed it. Again, this is obviously a VERY minor "problem", but I'd appreciate any assistance! Thanks
  17. Thanks folks, I think for now, at least, you've saved me some $$. I'll wait and see if improvements are made to it that would make it worth my while. Again, thanks for the feedback!
  18. So now that this has been out for a couple/few weeks......what are users here thinking? Any major problems, flaws or inconveniences? Any minor nitpicks?? Is it something truly useful, or another plugin that after a week of toying with it, will now be shoved in the closet with the other unused toys? Will the included loops cause an abundance of VERY similar, and rather generic sounding songs, or are they actually usable, and editable to the point where a non-bassist (such as myself) could have a realistic (or as realistic as one could expect) bass part in a song. I'm very close to pulling the trigger, but don't want to waste money on something that's not going to do the trick. I've watched numerous youtube vids, but I never know if those people are shilling......I've seen two that were somewhat critical (both from the same person, though) regarding the poor performance he was experiencing with audio tracking..... Anyway, any input here would be appreciated......If it's truly decent, I imagine I'll probably get it within the next couple days... Thanks
  19. Thanks....that seems to have narrowed it down significantly.....The latency disappeared when I bypassed all plugins (he was only actually using a couple....a reverb and PSP Lotary.....but he had lotary running separately in something like 10 instances... I've had issues with that plugin causing stuttering, etc in the past..... I'll probably set up a send/return, so I can just have it running once or twice (he's got it set differently from each other in a couple tracks) Hopefully, that will resolve it....Thanks for your quick help!
  20. Hi all, I collaborate long distance with a college buddy/bandmate. We've both been busy with life, so haven't worked on a project in a while (Which is possibly why I'm having this issue)...he sent me his files today. I open the project and everything seems to be there, and plays ok.... I set up a mic to do some vocals, and for some reason, when the input monitoring is delaying the sound (iow, if I sing a note, there's a split second and then I hear it...so...high latency).... I've had this issue in the past....and it was usually either buffer settings, or the drivers weren't set to ASIO.....in this case, everything APPEARS to be ok...but still having the issue. I closed the project and opened one of my own, and everything is fine.....so it's just that one project, that I didn't create. I use a Roland Octa-Capture....he has a quad capture....so similar interfaces. And we both use Cakewalk. I'm sure it's just a setting, and I'll feel ridiculous as soon as I figure it out....but, I'm not having any luck at the moment....can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!
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